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3C SRLGO TO WEBSITEVeduggio con Colzano (MB)Third-party mold processingB 336
A.L.A. GUIZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Mechanical workshop for metal carpentry constructions, industrial processing of stainless steels, construction of equipment for heat treatmentsA 101
A.M.P.E.R.E. ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Suppliers of abrasives for impact sandblastingC 560
A.P.I. SRLGO TO WEBSITERotella (AP)Technical articles in elastomeric polyurethaneCC 710
A.S.C. FRANCHI LASER SNCGO TO WEBSITEProserpio (CO)Laser cutting for sheet metal and tubes, punching, bending, weldingB 294
A.T.C. GROUP SRLGO TO WEBSITEGalbiate (LC)Sales and assistance for industrial compressors and accessories, compressed air distribution systemsC 619
ABS SRLGO TO WEBSITEMolteno (LC)Cutting and processing of metal tubesA 110
AFC MECCANICA SRLGO TO WEBSITECaronno Varesino (VA)Mechanical machining based on customer drawings: boring, milling, turning, and medium to large-scale carpentryA 200
AGM FILTRI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVigevano (PV)Manufacturers of filter cartridges and trade of filtration elementsA 206
AIROLDI METALLI SPAGO TO WEBSITEMolteno (LC)Trade of extruded and rolled aluminum and other non-ferrous metalsB 347
ALBAPLANT SRLGO TO WEBSITEPessano con Bornago (MI)Design and construction of industrial furnaces for steel heat treatmentC 554
ALFA ROBOTICA SRLGO TO WEBSITECaronno Pertusella (VA)ABB System Integrator - industrial automation systems with ABB robotsC 555
ALMET ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBologna (BO)Distribution of aluminum semi-finished productsB 394
AMCO DI COMETTI MAURO E C. SNCGO TO WEBSITEVilla Carcina (BS)Mechanical machining for third parties and manufacturers of customized machines upon customer requestC 566
AMF ANDREAS MAIER GMBH & CO. KGGO TO WEBSITEFellbach (Germania)Clamping systems and toolsB 301
AR FILTRAZIONI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBergamo (BG)Oil mist purifiers to be installed on machine tools with filtered air recirculation in the environmentC 648
ARNABOLDI SRLGO TO WEBSITEComo (CO)Precision micromechanicsA 75
ATLAS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES SRLGO TO WEBSITETrezzano S/Naviglio (MI)Development of IoT systems for the mechanical industry, development of artificial intelligence algorithms, Industry 4.0 consultancyA 211
ATTREZZERIA U.M.F. SRLGO TO WEBSITEOspedaletto Loano (LO)Metal blanking, cold sheet metal deformationA 82
AUTOMATIC GI.MA.GO TO WEBSITETreviglio (BG)Manufacturers of Transfer Machines, CNC Machining Centers, Pneumo-hydraulic/CNC Operating Units, Slides, Positioning Supports, and Pneumo-hydraulic/CNC Rotary Tables with Hirth gearing and self-centering chucks.
- Design and production of clamping equipment
- Machine automation with robots
- Retrofitting of Transfer Machines
B 426
AUTOMAZIONI INDUSTRIALIGO TO WEBSITENave (BS)Industrial Automations srl boasts 40 years of experience in robotics and applied automation across various production sectors, providing turnkey robotic systems and automationB 286
AUTON SISTEMI SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)Auton Sistemi is a well-established company in the distribution, integration, and customization of CAD/CAM software, active since 1998. Specializing in the commercialization and support of high-quality software solutions for the manufacturing industry in Italy, the company represents leading brands such as ESPRIT, WORKNC, and VISI, part of the Hexagon AB portfolio.

The solutions offered by Auton Sistemi are cutting-edge and highly efficient, ideal for design and operations on complex machine tools, including 3- to 6-axis milling machines, 2- to 22-axis mill-turn machines, and 2- to 5-axis EDM systems.
B 415
AZETA 23GO TO WEBSITEPiantedo (SO)Laser cutting - light carpentryC 642
B&B SRLGO TO WEBSITEGabicce Mare (PU)Production of medium and large turning, including: rollers, shafts, and bushings; CNC department; prototyping; traditional turning and automatic welding departmentsB 277
B.A. - BONOMI ACCIAI SRLGO TO WEBSITELumezzane (BS)Bonomi Acciai specializes in supplying high-quality steel, offering innovative products, personalized technical support, and a commitment to ethics, professionalism, and sustainabilityB 261
BAIGUERA FRANCO & C. SNCGO TO WEBSITESenna Comasco (CO)Precision mechanical machiningB 318
BB VITERIE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMontevecchia (LC)Trade of standard bolts - Production of custom-designed small partsB 289
BBS ROBOT SRLGO TO WEBSITEBorgosatollo (BS)Distributor of automation components for DENSO, Kawasaki, Shibaura, Hyundai and Flexibowl.A 205
BECA BOX FACTORY SRLGO TO WEBSITETermini Imerese (PA)Beca Box was founded in 1997 as a supplier for Fiat's former Termini Imerese plant. In 1999, the company began diversifying its production, focusing and investing in CNC machining technology. Today, while maintaining its role in the automotive sector as a second-tier supplier, the company has significantly diversified, specializing in CNC machining for the production of mechanical components used in various industrial sectors such as nautical, cycling, automation, home automation, gearmotors, and components for railway shock absorbers.A 198
BELLANDA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlessandria (AL)Sheet metal stamping - Mold construction - Assembly production - Design - Special measuring equipmentB 453
BEMAR PLAST SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Giovanni Ilarione (VR)Plastic molding for third partiesC 515
BENATI ENRICO TORNERIA METALLI SRLGO TO WEBSITECucciago (CO)CNC turning and milling - Production of turned and milled parts based on customer drawingsA 148
BERTI METAL PARTS SOLUTIONS SRLGO TO WEBSITESerravalle Sesia (VC)Precision turned small parts in brass and AVP based on customer drawingsB 403
BEST FINISHING SRLGO TO WEBSITEGessate (MI)Best Finishing has been providing metal surface treatments via vibratory finishing for over 20 years, offering technical consultancy, solutions, processes, equipment, and productsA 116
BETELLI SRLGO TO WEBSITELacchiarella (MI)Production of industrial gaskets and technical articles - various materials and processesCC 711
BFT BURZONIGO TO WEBSITEPodenzano (PC)Distributor of chip removal tools for the metalworking sectorB 405
BIAZZI GIOVANNI SRLGO TO WEBSITECornate d'Adda (MB)Precision mechanical workshop - CNC turning and milling for third parties - mechanical constructionsA 85
BIELLA ARMANDO SRLGO TO WEBSITECalolziocorte (LC)Trade of welding systems, oxy-fuel cutting, accessories, fume extractors, bottled gases, hand tools, power tools, and related technical support and repair servicesB 268
BIELLA FORNITURE SRLGO TO WEBSITECisano Bergamasco (BG)Trade of systems and equipment for the tool and welding industryA 14
BILANCERIA ROCCA DI ROCCA GIANLUCA & C. SNCGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Sale, repair, maintenance, and certification of weighing instrumentsC 537
BINETTI & FORLANI SPAVAI AL SITOVarese (VA)Trade and representation of machinery, mechanical equipment, metal small parts, and mechanical materialsA 17
BIO-CIRCLE ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMestrino (PD)Wholesale trade and packaging of chemical and technological productsA 190
BORGHETTI IMPIANTI DI BORGHETTI MAUROGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Civil and industrial electrical systems, electric industrial furnace assistance, construction of thermocouples and electric resistancesA 28
BORGHI ERMANNO SRLGO TO WEBSITEOlgiate Comasco (CO)Electrical panels and software for automationA 48
BOSCHELLO FEDELE SRLGO TO WEBSITEVigonza (PD)CNC machining from plastic semi-finished productsA 123
BRACCHI MACCHINE UTENSILI SRL GO TO WEBSITECremella (LC)Representation of machine tools - CAD/CAM systems - robotic systems - EDM machinesB 257
BRIASOFT SRLGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Development of MES softwareB 258
C.G. METAL SNCGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Blanking of stainless steel parts, assembly of blanked parts, and precision carpentry in stainless steelB 435
C.L.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITEFontanelle (TV)Manufacturing of mechanical components using machining centersB 255
C.M.S. MECCANICA TONON SRLGO TO WEBSITEGodega S. Urbano (TV)Precision mechanics for third partiesC 529
CAM SPAGO TO WEBSITETrescore Balneario (BG)Mechanical machining for the automotive sectorC 620
CAMPORA SRLGO TO WEBSITETorrazza Coste (PV)Construction, trade, overhaul, and repair of machine toolsB 303
CAPECCHI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBorgo San Lorenzo (FI)Manufacturing of mechanical parts and assemblies - measuring instrumentsB 360
CARUSO FASTENERS SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerone (CO)Wholesale trade of hardware and tooling items, metal small partsB 436
CFM LOMBARDIA SRLGO TO WEBSITERescaldina (MI)Sale and support of industrial vacuum cleaners related to mechanical processes - chip removal and evacuation - liquids and powders.C 629
CHIARI BRUNO SRLGO TO WEBSITEChiari (BS)Cutting and processing of extruded aluminum profilesC 632
CITT TRATTAMENTI TERMICI SRLGO TO WEBSITEUsmate con Velate (MB)Heat treatment of metalsA 193
CMC COSTRUZIONI MECCANICHE CEREDA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAgrate Brianza (MB)Precision milling and turning, primarily on lightweight materials such as aluminum, brass, plastics, and stainless steel. Execution of samples, preseries, and small-medium batches. Use of CNC lathes, multi-axis lathes, and 4-axis machining centers.C 558
CMG SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlserio (CO)Sheet metal bending and weldingA 140
COGO BILANCE SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiona Santo Stefano (VA)Weighing and dosing systems - scales - weighbridges - piece counters - metrological laboratory - checks and calibrationsB 455
COLOMBO GIOVANNI E FIGLI SRL GO TO WEBSITEAbbadia Lariana (LC)Production of custom-turned parts based on customer drawings for the automotive, hydraulic, pneumatic, oil and gas, household appliance, and general mechanical sectors.CC 805
COMAN S.R.L.S. A SOCIO UNICOGO TO WEBSITENovate Milanese (MI)Metal carpentry for third parties - sheet metal processing (laser cutting, bending, rolling) Welding (TIG-MIG) Small mechanical processingC 559
COMAR SRLGO TO WEBSITELozzo Atestino (PD)Production and marketing of products for EDM and non-ferrous alloy processingA 3
COMEPI SRLGO TO WEBSITERobbiate (LC)Comepi develops and produces electromechanical components for industrial automation and machinery safetyCC 712
COMETEC SRLGO TO WEBSITELimena (PD)Mixed milling and turning of mechanical components - precision machining of metal small parts for packaging equipment in the food, pharmaceutical, and many other industries. Mechanical milling - Third-party precision milling - Engine components - Contract manufacturing of mechanical components for engines.A 95
COMPATECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEMassalengo (LO)Die-casting of zinc and aluminum alloys - CNC machining of extruded aluminumA 119
COMPUTES GROUP SRLGO TO WEBSITENiviano (PC)Development and marketing of CAD/CAM/ERP software solutions, INDUSTRY 4.0, and cost estimation for design and production in the sheet metal, carpentry, and mechanical sectors.B 415
CONSORZIO SCALVE MECCATRONIKGO TO WEBSITEVilminore di Scalve (BG)Precision mechanical machining, grinding, lappingB 359
COPRA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPila (VC)Production of small metal parts, taps, valves, and general metal productsA 136
COS.ME.L SNC DI LA COGNATA T. & C.GO TO WEBSITELonate Pozzolo (VA)Heavy carpentry construction and mechanical machiningCC 703
COSEMA TRADING SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonza (MB)Design and installation of filtration systems for coolant and chip processing for machine toolsC 530
COSTAM SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Quirino (PN)Complete project management: from design to mass production, ensuring consistency and quality throughout the entire production cycle.

Extensive experience in project management as the main contractor, ensuring compliance with timelines, costs, and quality standards.

Aesthetic excellence: production of complex components with high-level aesthetic finishes, ideal for sectors requiring attention to detail.

Production flexibility: ability to fulfill medium to low-volume orders with continuity and long-term reliability.

Vertical integration: in-house design and production of equipment and molds, ensuring total control over quality and customization.
A 25
COSTRUZIONI EFFEDUE DI FRANCIOLI FABIOGO TO WEBSITESiziano (PV)Technologies for the treatment of chips and small metal partsC 630
COSVECO SRLGO TO WEBSITECapriano di Briosco (MB)Workshop for die-casting molds, die-casting foundry (zinc alloy), vibratory finishing, sandblasting, polishing, washing, painting, and electroplatingB 364
COZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEMagenta (MI)Precision mechanical turning workshopA 185
CREMONINI SRLGO TO WEBSITESuello (LC)Design, manufacturing, and installation of metal carpentry in iron, stainless steel, and aluminum - sheet metal processing with laser cutting - bending machines - punching machinesB 252
CROESUS SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Bellino (RO)Mechanical processing of aluminum and PVC plates and profiles – Cutting – Milling – Drilling – Threading – Deburring – Assembly – MarkingB 250
CS COM SRLGO TO WEBSITECorropoli (TE)Third-party die-casting of zinc alloy articlesC 513
D.G.V. SRLGO TO WEBSITEArluno (MI)High-precision sheet metal processing for all applicationsB 427
DAFA ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAnnone Brianza (LC)DAFA Italia S.r.l. specializes in the definition, development, production, and sale of robotic FIPFG (Formed In Place Foam Gasket) sealing and bonding solutions.
- Production and sale of high-quality PU and SIL 2K systems for FIPFG sealing and bonding.
- Commercialization and technical support for the SIKA Automotive GmbH product line.
- Sale of advanced 2K and 3K mixing and dosing systems.
- Technical assistance and spare parts supply for mixing and dosing systems.
- Laboratory equipped with semi-automatic and robotic systems to ensure the best implementation of its solutions, from prototype production to full-scale manufacturing.
- Commercialization and sale of die-cut, adhesive seals made from sheets and blocks.
- Development of the production process in close cooperation with customers up to the commissioning of the system.
- Operator training with programs dedicated to system management and chemical material usage.
- Production assistance, scheduled and extraordinary maintenance, and spare parts supply.

Additionally, DAFA Italia offers third-party sealing and bonding services, from single prototypes and small series to large-scale production, as well as backup equipment rental.
C 634
DAMEC SRLGO TO WEBSITENerviano (MI)Retailer and manufacturer of machine tools and consumablesA 77
DANIELI SRLGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Trade of new and used machine toolsC 540
DATAGEST SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlbissola Marina (SV)Design and construction of 100% selection systems and SPC measurement stations for small partsC 611
DAV SRLGO TO WEBSITERho (MI)Metal carpentry and sheet metal processingB 273
DELMI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Automatic turning - production of small metal parts with CNC and bar-fed lathesCC 806
DIECI SRLGO TO WEBSITECarbonera (TV)Components, filters, and rotary discharge valves, air extraction and filtration systems, air purificationB 425
DIPROL ERBA SRLGO TO WEBSITEErba (CO)Distributors of hydraulic and pneumatic items and systemsC 601
DOFET DI TENDERINI ANDREA & C. SASGO TO WEBSITEPremana (LC)CNC automatic turning - small partsB 372
DUE-EMME ABRASIVI SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Genesio ed Uniti (PV)Production, transformation, and marketing of abrasive productsC 509
EFFEA SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiono (LC)Structural profiles in aluminum and carbon for mechanical constructions - mezzanines and metal shelving for industriesA 145
EFFEGIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMeda (MB)Official distributors of Renishaw products for Western Lombardy, providing high-precision measurement solutions and production efficiency tools.B 395
ELASTOTECNICA DISTRIBUZIONE SRLGO TO WEBSITEVaredo (MB)Production and mechanical processing of technical articles in polyurethane and other elastomersA 2
ELBO SRLGO TO WEBSITECastello D'Argile (BO)Production and sale of linear measuring systems, visualizers, CNC systems, and marking systemsC 568
ELETTROLEGHE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Production and trade of special materialsC 605
ELS ENGINEERING GO TO WEBSITEBrugherio (MB)Precision turning and millingC 639
ENERGIMETAL SRLGO TO WEBSITECameri (NO)Laser cutting, milling, and turning for third partiesC 602
ENTECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEOttobiano (PV)Production and marketing of self-tapping inserts, mechanical fastenings, and engineering servicesB 349
EREDI DI CORNAGGIAGO TO WEBSITEAbbadia Lariana (LC)Precision automatic turningA 112
EUROFIX CANTU' SRLGO TO WEBSITECantù (CO)Trade of industrial packaging and fastening itemsB 266
EUROTURNING SRLGO TO WEBSITEMissaglia (LC)Manufacturing and trade of special tools and equipment - turning for in-house and third-party operationsB 328
EVLASER SRLGO TO WEBSITECasnigo (BG)High-precision laser solutionsC 624
F.I.U.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITERobecco sul Naviglio (MI)Production and marketing of chip-removal tools (taps and dies for threading)A 130
F.LLI GAIANI SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Retailer of machine tools for chip removal and sheet metal processing - EDM systems for sinking and wire cutting - band sawsB 282/443
F.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITEAvigliana (TO)Metal finishing: deburring, sandblasting, tumbling, washing, edge breaking, phosphating, passivation, pickling, degreasingA 113
FAPASALVI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVal Brembilla (BG)Induction hardening and laser welding, third-party machiningC 524
FASB LINEA 2GO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Processing of metal tubes, bending and deforming tubes, sheet metal cutting and bending, tube laser cutting, robotic welding, and powder coatingB 329
FASE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SRLGO TO WEBSITETezze sul Brenta (VI)Centrifugal drying systems for small parts, oil removal from chips, systems for automatic lines or semi-automatic machinesB 281
FELLTECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEInzago (MI)Precision mechanical turning workshopC 570
FEMA S.R.L.GO TO WEBSITEBiassono (MB)Measuring instruments - transmission couplings - hydraulic motors and reducersC 561
FERVIT FASTENERS SPAGO TO WEBSITEModena (MO)Trade of screws, bolts, and other small partsC 520
FIGLI DI NANDO TRABATTONI SRL (TRABATTONI STAMPI)GO TO WEBSITECastelmarte (CO)- Rotary and planar molds with CNC engravings for various industries
- Third-party machining of medium and large-sized parts
- Production of mold bases, metal carpentry, and machine parts
- Manufacturing of calenders for roll stamping
3D scanning / Reverse engineering / Digital prototyping
C 617
FONTANA BILANCE SRLGO TO WEBSITECesano Maderno (MB)Trade and support of scales, slicers, piece counters, dispensers, load cells, labeling machines, ISO calibration, and periodic certificationA 13
FRATELLI MAGRO SRL UNIPERSONALEGO TO WEBSITEVilla di Tirano (SO)Manufacturing and assembly of machines and mechanical groups according to customer specifications - mechanical component processing and realization based on drawingsB 331
FRATELLI ROTONDI SRLGO TO WEBSITELegnano (MI)Design, construction, and provision of services related to automatic dimensional control machines and systems - Production of coordinate measuring machines and calibration accessories for various industriesB 381
FRESMAK S.A.GO TO WEBSITEZarautz (Spagna)Design and production of clamping systems for the machine tool sectorB 388
FUSETTI TRASMISSIONI MECCANICHE SRLGO TO WEBSITERovello Porro (CO)Gear construction, worm screws, broaching, racksB 314
FUTURMECC SRLGO TO WEBSITEOlgiate Comasco (CO)Third-party precision machining: CNC milling up to 5 axes and CNC turning from bar and chuck with live toolsC 562
G. GIAMBERINI DI GIAMBERINI GIUSEPPE GO TO WEBSITEBinago (CO)Precision mechanical workshop for third-party operationsB 349
G.E.G.A. SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Profiling, blanking, and welding of wire mesh, expanded metal, and solid sheetsB 424
G.M.F. SRL DI BRIGNOLIGO TO WEBSITEVerdello (BG)Third-party mechanical machiningC 571
GALLARATI SRLGO TO WEBSITEPontida (BG)Gallarati srl was founded in 1974 as a solely mechanical engineering company, producing small parts and accessories for manufacturers of equipment designed for receiving television signals.CC 707
GALLI ALDO S.A.S. & C.GO TO WEBSITEAgrate Brianza (MB)Systems and machinery for packagingA 178
GALLO LAVORAZIONI MECCANICHE SRLGO TO WEBSITEOzegna (TO)Precision CNC machining of all material types: steel, stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, superalloys, brass, and bronzeC 646
GAP LASER SYSTEMS SRLGO TO WEBSITESolbiate Olona (VA)Manufacturer of laser sources for marking, welding, and micro-cutting applications (DPSS and Fiber Laser)B 402
GATTI E FRIGERIO SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlserio (CO)Tube and sheet metal laser cuttingA 140
GENERAL GEAR SRLGO TO WEBSITEBedizzole (BS)Mechanical design for third parties of machinery, systems, and mechanical componentsA 202
GHIONI MIRANDA INGRANAGGI SRLGO TO WEBSITENovate Milanese (MI)Gear hobbing - broaching - mechanical machining - splined shafts - worm gear pairs - turningA 122
GI.LA SRLGO TO WEBSITEZinasco (PV)Precision mechanical turningC 536
GINO OLIVARES SRLGO TO WEBSITEGessate (MI)Sintered productsC 608
GIULIANO CANOVA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPonderano (BI)Gear and pulley constructionC 522
GM FINISHING SRLGO TO WEBSITESarezzo (BS)Surface finishing processes, deburring, sandblasting, tumbling. Deburring, grinding, mechanical machining, and component assembly.B 350
GM ITALY SRLGO TO WEBSITEVestone (BS)Our processes: Die-cast parts: foundry, sandblasting, and deburring, turning, milling, and surface treatmentsB 356
GMV MACCHINE UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITEZanica (BG)Import and distribution of chip-removal machine toolsA 31
GRICES HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS SRLGO TO WEBSITEValgreghentino (LC)Design and production of standard ISO and custom hydraulic cylindersA 1
GRICOM SRL UNIPERSONALEGO TO WEBSITEAlzano Lombardo (BG)Production of beveling systems - beveling machines - cutters for beveling machinesA 46
GRIGNACOLOR DI CASTELNUOVO GIUSEPPE & C.GO TO WEBSITEBallabio (LC)Production and sale of enamels, paints, and water-based coatingsB 326
GWM SRLGO TO WEBSITEBasiano (MI)Distribution of electric motors, reducers, and invertersCC 701
HABA SERVIZIO PIASTRE SRLGO TO WEBSITEBergamo (BG)Production of steel and aluminum plates machined and ground to specificationsB 346
HAINBUCH ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITECantù (CO)Clamping equipment for machine toolsB 454
HNG SRLGO TO WEBSITECassago Brianza (LC)Trade of mechanical tools - industrial suppliesB 270
IBD SRLGO TO WEBSITERivoli (TO)IBD's mission is to identify and select technologically advanced products and systems for introduction to the Italian automation and robotics markets.A 106
IFP EUROPEGO TO WEBSITEGalliera Veneta (PD)Cleaning and finishing of metal componentsC 505
IMA SRLGO TO WEBSITEFirenze (FI)Braking systems and friction materials for industrial applicationsB 355
IMMED DI DONADONI ENRICOGO TO WEBSITEBergamo (BG)Conveyor belts - Rollers - IMMED hoppers, IMMED self-centering vices, Drilling units, Tapping tables - Rotating CAM tables - CNC tablesCC 705
INTERNATIONAL MACCHINE UTENSILI SPAGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)High-quality products supplied by technologically advanced companies in the field of machine tools and numerical controlC 613
ITALKERO SRLGO TO WEBSITEModena (MO)Mechanical subcontracting - evaporative coolingC 525
JVONNE SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelgomberto (VI)Jvonne S.r.l. manufactures and sells chip processing systems and workholding systems for machine toolsCC 706
KVM ENGINEERING SRLGO TO WEBSITEVittorio Veneto (TV)Design, manufacturing of industrial machines, sheet metal design, product industrialization, consultancyC 504
L.A. CALIBRI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBologna (BO)Manufacturing of measuring instruments and calibrationsC 569
L.P.S. LAMIERE PERFORATE SPECIALI SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonza (MB)L.P.S. specializes in perforated sheets, mesh, decorative plates, and metal accessoriesC 633
LA.M.P.A.S. SNCGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)LAMPAS specializes in molds for thermoplastic and zinc alloy components and custom toolsB 361
LANZINI SRLGO TO WEBSITEAntegnate (BG)Lanzini Srl designs and manufactures systems for metal chip processing, including centrifuges, shredders, conveyor belts, centralized drag chain and scraper systems, tilting elevators, storage silos, briquetting machines, handling systems, mixers, and metal carpentry.C 626
LARIANA COMPRESSORI SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiono (LC)Sale and support of industrial air compressors and compressed air systemsA 126
LARICA SNCGO TO WEBSITELomazzo (CO)Larica specializes in diamond tools for dressing, profiling, and shaping grinding wheelsA 6
LARIO MACCHINE UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITECivate (LC)Sale of new and used machine tools for chip removal, sheet metal, and aluminum processingB 391
LASERBERG TECH SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelli Calepio (BG)Design, production, sales, and support of laser machines for cutting, marking, and weldingC 638
LAVORAZIONI MECCANICHE PIGNAT SRLGO TO WEBSITEPorcia (PN)Precision mechanical machining - Turning, milling, and mechanical assembly - Production of quick-screw couplingsC 504
LE MACCHINE DI LUCA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMacherio (MB)Sale of machine tools: pantograph, plasma, laser, etc.C 551
LEGHE LEGGERE LAVORATE SRLGO TO WEBSITEBuccinasco (MI)Third-party production of mechanical components using turning and 5-axis machining centers in various industries, including medical and automotiveC 552
LGL SERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEGalbiate (LC)Laser cutting, mechanics, assembly, and high-precision carpentry in iron and stainless steel - Complete subcontracting managementB 441
LIMA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBolgare (BG)CNC mechanical machining - technical items and industrial gaskets - plastics, rubbers, and technopolymersB 296
LINEA TECNICA SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelfranco Emilia (MO)Coolants, lubricants, and equipmentB 438
LOGISTICA E SERVIZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEZinasco (PV)Third-party industrial assembliesC 536
LOUIS BELET SAGO TO WEBSITEVendlincourt ()Cutting tools for micromechanics, jewelry, and watchmakingA 43
LPA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMarano Vicentino (VI)Consumables for EDMB 450
LUBROSERVICE WATER TECHNOLOGY SRLGO TO WEBSITEReggio Emilia (RE)The high technological content of the equipment and the purely Made in Italy design distinguish the entire product range of Lubroservice Water Technology srl. Choosing a Lubroservice Water Technology srl system means opting for a unique product in terms of quality and performance, made with strictly certified, high-quality materials.

Integrity, innovation, quality, and efficiency are values that have always defined our corporate philosophy, which is strongly oriented towards achieving maximum customer satisfaction while maintaining a focus on flexibility and customer care.
B 333
M.C.T. SRLGO TO WEBSITECaluso (TO)Design and production of molds - thermoplastic molding - assemblyA 99
M.G. SRLGO TO WEBSITEVestone (BS)Active for over 20 years in surface treatments and decorative painting, MG is one of the most advanced companies in Italy for highly customized finishes.B 279
M.P.M. MECHANICS SRLMonza (MB)Third-party mechanical workshop specialized in the production of custom-designed mechanical parts, with thirty years of experience in hydraulics.
Optimal know-how to efficiently manage all processes within competitive timeframes, from production to assembly, thanks to CAD/CAM Fanuc programming and our innovative machinery fleet.
B 317
MACHIAVELLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEGalbiate (LC)Injection molding of thermoplastic materials - mold construction - accessory machiningB 321
MAG-AUTOBLOK TECNOMAGNETE SPAGO TO WEBSITELainate (MI)Production of magnetic equipment for clamping or handlingB 390
MAKEVO SRLGO TO WEBSITECastione di Loria (TV)Laser cutting of sheet metal, bending, rolling, welding, assembly, and surface treatmentsA 63
MANCIN SRLGO TO WEBSITECossato (BI)Precision mechanical machining for third parties including milling, turning, and CNC grindingA 86
MANENTI SPAGO TO WEBSITECastegnato (BS)Trade, cutting, and processing of aluminum and metalsB 423
MAST MECCANICA SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)MAST Meccanica specializes in the construction and assembly of mechanical equipment, prototype parts, and pre-series production. It features a metrology room with high-precision instruments.B 433
MAURI GIOVANNI SRLGO TO WEBSITERogeno (LC)Third-party plastic moldingB 259
MAXLUBE SRLGO TO WEBSITETradate (VA)Trade and production of industrial fluids and complementary accessoriesA 159
ME. BU. SRLGO TO WEBSITECadrezzate con Osmate (VA)Cold sheet metal working - Blanking, optical fiber laser cutting - Bending - TIG and MIG weldingC 532
MECCANICA BESNATESE SRL GO TO WEBSITEBesnate (VA)Mechanical machining - design and production of linear tables, rotary systems, and automation systemsB 386
MECCANICA HI TECH SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Vito al Tagliamento (PN)Mechanical machining - supply of machines based on customer drawingsB 413
MECCANICA VIMERCATI SRLGO TO WEBSITECernusco sul Naviglio (MI)Construction and assembly of high-precision mechanical components - CNC turning, milling, and grindingA 129
MECMATICA SRLGO TO WEBSITESpirano (BG)Monitoring production systems - Industry 4.0 - Industrial informatics - MES softwareB 378
MEDIATEC SRLGO TO WEBSITEMontebelluna (TV)Suppliers of parts for the industry - Production of CNC-machined plastic parts, technical rubber items, industrial gaskets in rubber and PU, and rubber hoses for liquids and suctionB 342
MEM SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelseprio (VA)Lavorazioni meccaniche di precisione di tornitura e fresatura CNCA 118
MENTI METAL MECCANICA SNCGO TO WEBSITESarego (VI)Menti Metal Meccanica is a company based in Sarego (VI) specializing in wire processing. Our operations include: cutting to size (coil Ø1.50÷12.00 mm – bar up to Ø25.00 mm), bending (coil Ø3.00÷14.00 mm – bar Ø1.50÷22.00 mm), spot welding of grids and baskets, tie rods, chip removal and rolling (M4-M24), turning and milling up to Ø20.00 mm, and various stamping operations (100 tons). We can also work with other profiles such as squares, hexagons, flats, and ribbed wire. Additionally, we regularly provide our products with surface treatments such as galvanizing, chroming, burnishing, cataphoresis, and more.A 90
META SPAGO TO WEBSITES. Felice s/P. (MO)High-precision mechanical machiningA 115
METAL BARRE SRLGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Wholesale trade of semi-finished products in ferrous and non-ferrous metalsA 173
METECH SRLGO TO WEBSITERovereto (TN)Import and sale of equipment for machine toolsA 203
MGTECK SRL GO TO WEBSITEOsnago (LC)Milling and turning for third partiesA 4
MICRA SRLGO TO WEBSITERomans D'Isonzo (GO)Precision mechanical machiningB 413
MICROMECCANICA DI PRECISIONE SRLGO TO WEBSITECassago Brianza (LC)Third-party mechanical machining of turning and milling with CNC machines (3-axis lathes, 4-axis machining centers) - Design and construction of standard and custom pneumatic cylindersA 187
MILLUTENSILGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Manufacturers of presses, mold openers, mold tilters, sheet metal feeding lines, and cutting lines - trade of mold components and normalized materialsB 399
MINUTEK RONCORONI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBusto Garolfo (MI)Production of precision small metal partsC 523
MINUTER SRLGO TO WEBSITELograto (BS)Production of precision turned small parts based on customer drawings using CNC sliding head lathesC 511
MINUTERIE GROPPINI SNCGO TO WEBSITEPontirolo Nuovo (BG)Precision small metal parts for third parties based on drawingsA 165
MIT.D. SRLGO TO WEBSITEBernezzo (CN)Manufacturers of probes, heating electric resistances, and trade of electric products for process control and industrial automationC 526
MMV MINUTERIA MECCANICA VALSESIANA SRLGO TO WEBSITEScopa (VC)Production of bar-turned precision small metal parts based on drawingsA 135
MODULMEC INGRANAGGI SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Quirino (PN)Company specializing in the construction of mechanical components for motion transmissionA 155
MOLLE INDUSTRIALI CONTE SRLGO TO WEBSITESettimo Torinese (TO)Design, development, and production of industrial springsB 339
MOLLIFICIO LUIGI CODEGA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMalgrate (LC)Industrial production of custom springsB 324
MOLLIFICIO RENZO SCOTTI SRLGO TO WEBSITELissone (MB)Our company, with over 40 years of experience, specializes in the production of wire and strip springs for diverse applications. We use advanced machinery and top-quality materials like Inconel, Nimonic, and Monel.A 167
MONGUZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBiassono (MB)Monguzzi Srl is a modern and dynamic company that has been specializing in the distribution of industrial transmissions for over twenty years. To ensure absolute quality and reliability for our clients, we exclusively partner with the best brands in the market. Our company is an official distributor of HIWIN, BEA INGRANAGGI, and REGINA CHAIN. To meet even the most specific and demanding requests, in addition to standard products, we also provide non-standard products, custom-built and/or machined to design and treated. This service is offered and guaranteed in rapid times, much faster than the original manufacturer.

Starting in 2024, Monguzzi has also become a manufacturer of linear axes. With our R3GO production line, featuring different and customizable models, we design and produce tailor-made multi-axis systems for various sectors and industrial applications.

As both distributors and manufacturers, we do not merely provide simple products. We offer a comprehensive and accurate service that allows us to be a unified point of reference for our customers. We rely on a commercial and technical team with extensive experience in the sector and in customer support. We dedicate care and attention to our clients, assisting them from the initial contact to the final delivery of the product.
B 375
MONTEMURRO UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITEPrata Camportaccio (SO)Sharpening and production of special tools for general and bio-mechanicsA 158
MORUECO SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Construction of machine toolsC 650
MTM MAURI SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonticello Brianza (LC)Mechanical turning for the production of small parts, hydraulic fittings, and various componentsA 111
N.T.S. TECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEVizzolo Predabissi (MI)N.T.S. TECH offers comprehensive services in the design, construction, and maintenance of injection, die-casting, and blanking molds.A 195
NB MECCANICA SRL - NETWORK OPEREPRIMEGO TO WEBSITEMontelabbate (PU)Turning, milling, and third-party CNC mechanical machiningA 179
NEVI SRLGO TO WEBSITEChiuduno (BG)Third-party construction and welding of titanium partsC 512
NUOVA CAGIFER SRL - NETWORK OPEREPRIMEGO TO WEBSITEAscoli Piceno (AP)Established in 1979 and based in Ascoli Piceno, Nuova Cagifer srl is active nationwide and indirectly internationally in the field of industrial systems for sectors such as Personal Care, Food, Beverage, Packaging, High-Precision Machine Tools, Energy, and Research.
The company's core business is the construction of components, subassemblies, and highly customized prototype systems for industrial plants or machines, managing both unique pieces and medium volumes. The materials processed include both ferrous and non-ferrous materials, such as welded structures, solid components (plates, bars, etc.), castings, forgings, and more.
Nuova Cagifer currently operates a certified system (UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standards), ensuring its customers' quality and export certification requirements are met.
A key feature of the company is its ability to simultaneously produce highly diverse components using Just-in-Time production strategies. It acts as the main contractor for its clients in terms of special machining, thermal and surface treatments, and subassembly assembly.
Over the years, the company's strategy has been to significantly diversify its production, offering solutions across multiple sectors while aiming to be a Partner rather than just a subcontractor. Leveraging its expertise, this approach has resulted in over 20 years of loyalty from its major clients.
A 179
NWT METALUX SRLGO TO WEBSITEManerbio (BS)Surface treatments of metals, polishing, galvanic satin finishing, and painting on zinc alloys, aluminum, stainless steel, brass, and ironB 260
O.M.B. SNC DI BONGIOVANNI & C.GO TO WEBSITEMandello del Lario (LC)Precision third-party mechanical machining and assembly of groupsB 254
O.M.C.R. SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Maurizio Canavese (TO)OMCR Industrial Solutions specializes in chip compaction, reducing waste volume up to 8 times and optimizing space and handling.A 192
O.M.V. OFFICINE MECCANICHE VIGLIANESIGO TO WEBSITEQuarenga Cerreto (BI)For 50 years, we have been providing a complete turnkey service in the field of third-party precision mechanical machining and industrial automation, with expertise ranging from study and design to prototyping and production of components, assemblies, and complete machines.CC 807
O.S.P. SRLGO TO WEBSITETrissino (VI)Third-party operations - CNC turning - CNC milling - mechanical machining based on drawingsB 337
OFF. MECC. DELL'ORO CARLO SNCGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Sales, installation, and maintenance of compressors and accessories for compressed air systemsC 553
OFFICINA FRATELLI CORTIANA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBrugherio (MB)Manufacturing of construction elements in metalA 132
OFFICINA MECCANICA BIEFFE SRLGO TO WEBSITEAnnone Brianza (LC)Officina Meccanica BIEFFE has been providing third-party mechanical machining services since 2003, utilizing cutting-edge equipment and 3D simulation software.B 290
OFFICINA MECCANICA BRUGGER SRLGO TO WEBSITEComo (CO)Third-party chip removal machining for precision partsC 606
OFFICINA MECCANICA CARLASSARA SRLGO TO WEBSITEInarzo (VA)High-precision mechanical machining: turning, milling, cutting, and grinding - Extrusion lines for flexible tubes, profiles, and sheetsB 344
OFFICINA MECCANICA CARLO CERINI SRLGO TO WEBSITERescaldina (MI)Production of mechanical presses ranging from 35 to 600 tonsB 271
OFFICINA MECCANICA LOMBARDA SRLGO TO WEBSITETrivolzio (PV)Production and marketing of clamping equipment for machine toolsB 370
OFFICINE CELSI SNCGO TO WEBSITECortenova (LC)Sheet metal processing: laser cutting, punching, bending, and weldingC 533
OFFICINE E. BIGLIA & C. S.P.A.GO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Production and sale of CNC lathesB 311
OFFICINE ELETTROMECCANICHE CHIOVENDA S.N.C.GO TO WEBSITELainate (MI)Third-party mechanical and electromechanical machiningA 50
OFFICINE G.S.P. SRLGO TO WEBSITEFiume Veneto (PN)Third-party sheet metal and tubular processingA 162
OFFICINE PIKI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValvarrone (LC)Officine Piki specializes in stainless steel processing, manufacturing tanks and piping systems, and advanced metal 3D printing for various industries.B 371
OFFICINE SCALELLA SOC. COOP.GO TO WEBSITESanta Venerina (CT)Turning, milling, and mechanical assembliesC 564
OFFICINE TERMOTECNICHE FRACCARO SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelfrando Veneto (TV)European leader in radiant heating and cooling systems for industrial and residential environmentsA 74
OMA EREDI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVillasanta (MB)High-precision mechanical machining - CNC turning, millingB 276
OMAS ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPaderno Dugnano (MI)Mechanical tooling, mold construction, and third-party moldingA 61
OMB DI BENDOTTI NANDO & C SRLGO TO WEBSITEPieve Vergonte (VB)Small and medium-sized turning and milling mechanical machiningB 380
OMBAR SRLGO TO WEBSITENova Milanese (MB)Third-party machining, tooling, and precision mechanical components for the automotive, robotics, and energy sectorsA 176
OMEBA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPremana (LC)Precision mechanical workshop specializing in aluminum processingA 121
OMEC SRLGO TO WEBSITEColzate (BG)Mechanical machining with chip removalA 124
OMT BONETTO SRLGO TO WEBSITEArsego di S. Giorgio delle pertiche (PD)Precision mechanics and small metal partsA 81
OMTR SRLGO TO WEBSITECermenate (CO)Third-party production of precision mechanical componentsA 67
P.L.UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITECosta Masnaga (LC)Sharpening and manufacturing of special toolsB 387
PACKING CENTER SRLGO TO WEBSITEPogno (NO)Distribution and processing of packaging materialsC 518
PANOZZO SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerate (LC)Caps and plastic screwsB 327
PANZA OSSITAGLIO SPAGO TO WEBSITEPontida (BG)Sheet metal service centerA 35
PANZERI ALESSANDRO SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiono (LC)General mechanical processing - finished products - pneumatic headsB 300
PAPINI STAMPI SRLGO TO WEBSITECalolziocorte (LC)Design and construction of molds and equipment for producing small metal partsB 320
PARMALAPPING SRLGO TO WEBSITERubbiano di Solignano (PR)Grinding and lapping - plasmaspray coatings HVOF CHROME TEFLON - ceramics and solid carbidesA 117
PASELLO TRATTAMENTI TERMICI SRLGO TO WEBSITECalderara di Reno (BO)Heat treatment of metals: hardening, cementation, nitriding, and various specialized processesCC 702
PIDIKEI SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)Co-design, mold construction (pilot and series), and molding of plastics/rubber/seals – molding in a clean room – specialization in overmolding filters and metal partsCC 704
PIEFFE SRLGO TO WEBSITEFossano (CN)Production of technical articles in polyurethane, rubber, and plastics - Coating of rollers, wheels, cylinders, and drums in various materialsC 534
PLASTISERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEGravellona Toce (VB)Plastic molding and assemblyA 156
POLY-TECH SRLSGO TO WEBSITEComun Nuovo (BG)Distribution of components and systems for industrial pneumatic automationA 201
PRECISION ROBOTICA SRLGO TO WEBSITELaveno Mombello (VA)Robotic automationA 68
PRESSVIT SRLGO TO WEBSITEZibido San Giacomo (MI)Production of unified and custom screwsA 114
PRIMAFLUID SRLGO TO WEBSITEPeschiera Borromeo (MI)Sales of components and systems for pneumatic and hydraulic automationA 181
PRO.VE.R. SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerate (LC)Design and construction of thermoplastic and LSR molds - advanced plastic moldingA 103
PROVERA SRL COSTRUZIONI METALMECCANICHEGO TO WEBSITETerruggia (AL)Medium-light carpentry, mechanical machining, and paintingB 452
PUNTO INOX SERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerone (CO)Wholesale trade of stainless steel materials, tubes, sheets, bars, fittings, and accessoriesA 104
R4 AUTOMAZIONI SRLGO TO WEBSITECisano Bergamasco (BG)Design and construction of special machines for assembly - third-party machiningA 23
R.F. CELADA SPAGO TO WEBSITECologno Monzese (MI)Distributor of machine toolsA 17
RAL SRLGO TO WEBSITECastello di Brianza (LC)Sharpening and manufacturing of toolsB 292
RCM ROSSIGNOLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValbrembo (BG)Design and construction of assembly lines and machinesB 377
RE-COL SRLGO TO WEBSITECarate Brianza (MB)Third-party grindingA 60
RETE UFFICIO ESTEROGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Support service for companies in commercial development and customer acquisition in foreign marketsB 323
RGPBALLS SRLGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Production and marketing of precision balls, rollers, needle rollers, and bearing ballsA 52
RI-LAVO SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonza (MB)Production of ultrasonic systemsCC 801
RI.MA.T SRLGO TO WEBSITEPalermo (PA)Precision mechanics: turning, milling, broaching, and third-party machiningB 373
RIMEC SRLGO TO WEBSITECosta Masnaga (LC)Precision mechanical workshop - third-party machining and production of custom metal partsB 251
RIVA&BRUTTI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Repair and sale of electric motors, electric pumps, power tools, fans, and gearboxesA 26
ROBUSTELLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVilla Guardia (CO)Rubber molding and technical articlesA 79
ROS SRLGO TO WEBSITEAzzano Decimo (PD)Third-party sheet metal processing, including laser cutting, bending, welding, assembly, and powder coating for various industriesC 644
RP METALFASTENERS DIVISION MACHINE SRLGO TO WEBSITEPaderno Dugnano (MI)Wholesale trade in the national and international market of fasteners and fastening systems, design and production of machines for sheet metal cutting and deformation.A 93
RS ACCIAI SRLGO TO WEBSITEScandicci (FI)Resale and trade of special steels for moldsA 88
RS CASTING SRLGO TO WEBSITEBoara Piasani (PD)Aluminum alloy castings using sand and gravity techniques. We produce any casting requested by the customer.C 514
RU.CO.S SRLGO TO WEBSITEVignate (MI)Mechanical processing of wheels and parts in rubber, polyurethane, and VulkollanA 66
S.I.A.T. SRLGO TO WEBSITEVilla Cortese (MI)For over thirty years, SIAT has been a significant player in precision mechanics, tooling, production of small metal parts, and metal blanking and bending.A 41
S.M.P. SRLGO TO WEBSITEMagnago (MI)Metal carpentry and mechanical processing, design, and fabrication of medium and large metal structures and componentsB 397
S.T.T. SRLGO TO WEBSITEStrambino (TO)Heat treatments on steelA 45
SAETEC S.A.S. DI LUIGI SALOMONI & C.GO TO WEBSITEVerderio (LC)Light metal carpentry - sheet metal processing - manufacturing of sheet metal productsB 322
SAFE FLOOR SRL GO TO WEBSITEPradalunga (BG)Flooring and wall coating, sale and installation of protective anti-impact barriers and safety solutionsA 29
SALP SRLGO TO WEBSITEBarzanò (LC)Panels for exhibition setups, acoustic panels, packaging crates, raised flooringCC 811
SANTONI DI SANTONI ALESSANDRO & C. SASGO TO WEBSITEFermo (FM)Design and manufacturing of die-casting and thermoplastic molds - die-casting of zinc alloy and plastic injection molding - turning, post-processing, and tumblingA 151
SCAMER SRLGO TO WEBSITENibbiola (NO)Third-party mechanical processing of metal tubes - bending, welding, and assembly of tubes for fluids, gas systems, etc.C 641
SCELSI COMPONENTI SRLGO TO WEBSITECernusco sul Naviglio (MI)Mechanical workshopC 516
SEMAR SRL - OPERE PRIMEGO TO WEBSITEPesaro (PU)Our company, founded in 1975, manufactures mechanical components and assemblies according to customer specifications, operating with meticulous adherence to the required technical standards. We also perform precision mechanical machining, specializing in turning and grinding operations.A 179
SHAREBOT SRLGO TO WEBSITENibionno (LC)Sharebot specializes in developing high-precision, reliable, and user-friendly 3D printers for professional and educational markets.C 565
SI.MA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBovisio Masciago (MB)Production and sale of marking systems using laser and microdot technologyA 38
SIDERTOCE SPAGO TO WEBSITEGravellona Toce (VB)Marketing of special steels (raw and semi-finished)A 137
SIGMA INTERNATIONAL SRLGO TO WEBSITEPedrengo (BG)Sale of welding and cutting products and systemsC 500
SILGA SPAGO TO WEBSITECastelfidardo (AN)Galvanic surface treatments, anodizing, technical and decorative treatments, and protective systemsA 143
SIME SRLGO TO WEBSITEMandello del Lario (LC)Precision mechanical milling with CNC for third parties, specializing in aluminum processingA 108
SINTA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Distribution of components for industrial automation: electric axes, Cartesian systems, SCARA, anthropomorphic and collaborative robots, and related componentsC 609
SINTECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEVillanova Monferrato (AL)Third-party mechanical operations such as milling, boring, and CNC grindingA 149
SMART SUPPLY SRLGO TO WEBSITECesano Maderno (MB)Third-party mechanical machiningB 362
SOLDANO STAMPI SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)Design and production of thermoplastic molds, precision mechanical machining using CNC machining centers, custom spare partsA 134
SOLIDCAM ITALIAGO TO WEBSITEBentivoglio (BO)Resale of CAM softwareC 636
SOLIDMANUFACTURINGGO TO WEBSITEBentivoglio (BO)Resale of 3D printersC 635
STA-FOR DI GASPARDO LUIGINO & C.GO TO WEBSITEManiago (PN)Company operating since 1975 in the precision mechanics sector, specializing in turning, milling, laser cutting, wire EDM, and blanking.CC 709
STAMPERIA CARLO GUERRIERI & FIGLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEErba (CO)Hot forging of steel, stainless steel, and alloysB 335
STAR LAB SRLGO TO WEBSITEAnnone Brianza (LC)Precision mechanical machiningB 295
STF SRLGO TO WEBSITEBarzago (LC)Third-party mechanical workshop specializing in turning and milling from 0 to 6 metersB 325
SVIMGO TO WEBSITEKarlovacNon-ferrous metal foundryB 421
SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY SRLGO TO WEBSITEMazzano (BS)Exclusive distributor for Italy of CAD/CAM software Go2CamA 39
T.A. SRLGO TO WEBSITEArcisate (VA)Precision CNC machining - bar turningA 107
T.E.R. TECNO ELETTRICA RAVASI SRL GO TO WEBSITECalco (LC)Production of electromechanical components for lifting, automation, and industrial handling machines: rotary and position limit switches, pendant and wall pushbuttons, joysticksA 20
T.P.F. SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Mauro Torinese (TO)Modular structures based on drawings made with aluminum profiles. Precision mechanical machiningB 419
TAJMAC-MTM SPAGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Trade of machine tools and accessoriesC 622
TASSINARI GROUP SRLGO TO WEBSITEFerrara (FE)Mold base manufacturing for plastic, die-casting, and blanking industriesB 449
TECNICA GASKET SPAGO TO WEBSITEParatico (BS)Design and production of technical seals in elastomers, liquid silicone, and thermoplasticsA 209
TECNO E.D.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Maurizio Canavese (TO)Design, engineering, and production of graphite and copper electrodes for EDM machinesB 265
TECNO-SALDATURE SRLGO TO WEBSITECorreggio (RE)Third-party robotic weldingB 351
TECNOSAR SRLGO TO WEBSITEBedizzole (BS)Applications for resin flooring and coatingsA 204
TECNOSTAMPOFUSIONE SRLGO TO WEBSITENovi Ligure (AL)Aluminum, bronze, brass, and zinc casting using shell and die-casting methodsC 517
TECNOSTYLE SRLGO TO WEBSITEValdobbiadene (TV)Production of precision metal small partsCC 804
TEKMO SRLGO TO WEBSITETravagliato (BS)Production and machining of turned small metal partsC 508
TEKNO SERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Sale of CAD/CAM systems - Industry 4.0 data transmission and collection productsA 170
TEOMA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAssago (MI)Exclusive distributor for Italy of Tsudakoma Corp. CNC rotary tablesB 369
TES SRLGO TO WEBSITECologno Monzese (MI)Third-party mechanical machining, including milling and turningA 83
TIME SRLGO TO WEBSITECapannori (LU)Production of ERP softwareC 637
TITALIA SPAGO TO WEBSITEBrugherio (MB)Forging and treatments on titanium, zirconium, and copper. Mechanical machining through chip removal and waterjet cutting.CC 803
TOOLS DISTRIBUTION SRLGO TO WEBSITEBesana in Brianza (MB)Wholesale distribution of technical tooling for producing small metal partsB 278
TOPSOLID ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEModena (MO)For over 35 years, TOPSOLID SAS has marketed its CAD/CAM and ERP solutions in France and worldwideB 400
TORMES SRLGO TO WEBSITE20024 (MI)Precision mechanics for third parties in medium and large seriesA 184
TORNERIA P.M.S. SRLGO TO WEBSITEMontecchio Maggiore (VI)Precision mechanical turning workshop producing customer-designed parts in steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and other alloysC 528
TORNERIA REDA SRLGO TO WEBSITECarate Brianza (MB)Precision automatic turning, third-party production of turned parts from bar stock in steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum, and plasticsA 44
TORNOMATIC PONTIROLO SRLGO TO WEBSITEPontirolo Nuovo (BG)Turning - gear hobbing and worm screws - rolling - planetary reducersA 5
TQS ITALY SRLGO TO WEBSITEBoffalora Sopra Ticino (MI)Third-party processing of batches, identifying and discarding non-compliant elements, and separating foreign objects with synchronized vibrating bowlsA 40
UMAC SPAGO TO WEBSITECastano Primo (MI)Mechanical toolingB 416
UNI-MECC SRLGO TO WEBSITECafasse (TO)Specialized in cutting and finishing steel, aluminum, and iron tubes for bushings, eyelets, spacers, and various applicationsA 212
UNILOCK SRLGO TO WEBSITETrezzano S/Naviglio (MI)Design and production of clamping systems for CNC lathesB 332
UNION SPAGO TO WEBSITESala Bolognese (BO)Manufacturers of metal cleaning systemsA 172
UTIMAC TORINO SPAGO TO WEBSITERobassomero (TO)Production and sale of automatic single and multi-spindle CNC lathesA 9
VAL-FER SRLCesana Brianza (LC)MetalworkingA 47
VAL.MA.TECH. SRLGO TO WEBSITEPonte Nossa (BG)Reseller and integrator of collaborative robotics under the "DOBOT" brand for central and northern ItalyB 384
VALSECCHI & DEVIZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValgreghentino (LC)Mechanical turning workshop producing high-precision custom parts for hydraulics, automotive, and fittings sectorsB 353
VETRARIA MALBERTI SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Glass for mechanical and industrial equipmentA 27
VIBA COLORI SRLGO TO WEBSITECisano Bergamasco (BG)Viba Colors has over 40 years of experience in producing and selling paints, offering innovation, expertise, and application support.C 628
VINCIT SRLGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Industrial distributor specialized in complete compressed air systems, pneumatic automation components, and process water cooling, with technical support and assistance.B 262/309
WIKIPLAST SRLGO TO WEBSITEBusto Arsizio (VA)Third-party mechanical machining of plastics and sale of semi-finished plastic productsC 615
YANG SRLGO TO WEBSITECastano Primo (MI)Processing brass parts on transfer machines and 5-axis CNC centers with dimensional controls and anthropomorphic armsB 338
ZA-BER SRLGO TO WEBSITELonate Pozzolo (VA)Mechanical machining based on customer designs and specificationsCC 708
ZEMINIAN SASGO TO WEBSITELainate (MI)Design, production, sales, and repair of standardized and custom pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders for industrial automationB 456
ZETA STAMPI SRLGO TO WEBSITEViganò (LC)Plastic molding/mold constructionB 288
ZETAEFFE SNCGO TO WEBSITECambiago (MI)Production of turned sealsC 550
3C SRLGO TO WEBSITEVeduggio con Colzano (MB)Third-party mold processingB 336
A.L.A. GUIZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Mechanical workshop for metal carpentry constructions, industrial processing of stainless steels, construction of equipment for heat treatmentsA 101
A.M.P.E.R.E. ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Suppliers of abrasives for impact sandblastingC 560
A.P.I. SRLGO TO WEBSITERotella (AP)Technical articles in elastomeric polyurethaneCC 710
A.S.C. FRANCHI LASER SNCGO TO WEBSITEProserpio (CO)Laser cutting for sheet metal and tubes, punching, bending, weldingB 294
A.T.C. GROUP SRLGO TO WEBSITEGalbiate (LC)Sales and assistance for industrial compressors and accessories, compressed air distribution systemsC 619
ABS SRLGO TO WEBSITEMolteno (LC)Cutting and processing of metal tubesA 110
AFC MECCANICA SRLGO TO WEBSITECaronno Varesino (VA)Mechanical machining based on customer drawings: boring, milling, turning, and medium to large-scale carpentryA 200
AGM FILTRI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVigevano (PV)Manufacturers of filter cartridges and trade of filtration elementsA 206
AIROLDI METALLI SPAGO TO WEBSITEMolteno (LC)Trade of extruded and rolled aluminum and other non-ferrous metalsB 347
ALBAPLANT SRLGO TO WEBSITEPessano con Bornago (MI)Design and construction of industrial furnaces for steel heat treatmentC 554
ALFA ROBOTICA SRLGO TO WEBSITECaronno Pertusella (VA)ABB System Integrator - industrial automation systems with ABB robotsC 555
ALMET ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBologna (BO)Distribution of aluminum semi-finished productsB 394
AMCO DI COMETTI MAURO E C. SNCGO TO WEBSITEVilla Carcina (BS)Mechanical machining for third parties and manufacturers of customized machines upon customer requestC 566
AMF ANDREAS MAIER GMBH & CO. KGGO TO WEBSITEFellbach (Germania)Clamping systems and toolsB 301
AR FILTRAZIONI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBergamo (BG)Oil mist purifiers to be installed on machine tools with filtered air recirculation in the environmentC 648
ARNABOLDI SRLGO TO WEBSITEComo (CO)Precision micromechanicsA 75
ATLAS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES SRLGO TO WEBSITETrezzano S/Naviglio (MI)Development of IoT systems for the mechanical industry, development of artificial intelligence algorithms, Industry 4.0 consultancyA 211
ATTREZZERIA U.M.F. SRLGO TO WEBSITEOspedaletto Loano (LO)Metal blanking, cold sheet metal deformationA 82
AUTOMATIC GI.MA.GO TO WEBSITETreviglio (BG)Manufacturers of Transfer Machines, CNC Machining Centers, Pneumo-hydraulic/CNC Operating Units, Slides, Positioning Supports, and Pneumo-hydraulic/CNC Rotary Tables with Hirth gearing and self-centering chucks.
- Design and production of clamping equipment
- Machine automation with robots
- Retrofitting of Transfer Machines
B 426
AUTOMAZIONI INDUSTRIALIGO TO WEBSITENave (BS)Industrial Automations srl boasts 40 years of experience in robotics and applied automation across various production sectors, providing turnkey robotic systems and automationB 286
AUTON SISTEMI SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)Auton Sistemi is a well-established company in the distribution, integration, and customization of CAD/CAM software, active since 1998. Specializing in the commercialization and support of high-quality software solutions for the manufacturing industry in Italy, the company represents leading brands such as ESPRIT, WORKNC, and VISI, part of the Hexagon AB portfolio.

The solutions offered by Auton Sistemi are cutting-edge and highly efficient, ideal for design and operations on complex machine tools, including 3- to 6-axis milling machines, 2- to 22-axis mill-turn machines, and 2- to 5-axis EDM systems.
B 415
AZETA 23GO TO WEBSITEPiantedo (SO)Laser cutting - light carpentryC 642
B&B SRLGO TO WEBSITEGabicce Mare (PU)Production of medium and large turning, including: rollers, shafts, and bushings; CNC department; prototyping; traditional turning and automatic welding departmentsB 277
B.A. - BONOMI ACCIAI SRLGO TO WEBSITELumezzane (BS)Bonomi Acciai specializes in supplying high-quality steel, offering innovative products, personalized technical support, and a commitment to ethics, professionalism, and sustainabilityB 261
BAIGUERA FRANCO & C. SNCGO TO WEBSITESenna Comasco (CO)Precision mechanical machiningB 318
BB VITERIE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMontevecchia (LC)Trade of standard bolts - Production of custom-designed small partsB 289
BBS ROBOT SRLGO TO WEBSITEBorgosatollo (BS)Distributor of automation components for DENSO, Kawasaki, Shibaura, Hyundai and Flexibowl.A 205
BECA BOX FACTORY SRLGO TO WEBSITETermini Imerese (PA)Beca Box was founded in 1997 as a supplier for Fiat's former Termini Imerese plant. In 1999, the company began diversifying its production, focusing and investing in CNC machining technology. Today, while maintaining its role in the automotive sector as a second-tier supplier, the company has significantly diversified, specializing in CNC machining for the production of mechanical components used in various industrial sectors such as nautical, cycling, automation, home automation, gearmotors, and components for railway shock absorbers.A 198
BELLANDA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlessandria (AL)Sheet metal stamping - Mold construction - Assembly production - Design - Special measuring equipmentB 453
BEMAR PLAST SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Giovanni Ilarione (VR)Plastic molding for third partiesC 515
BENATI ENRICO TORNERIA METALLI SRLGO TO WEBSITECucciago (CO)CNC turning and milling - Production of turned and milled parts based on customer drawingsA 148
BERTI METAL PARTS SOLUTIONS SRLGO TO WEBSITESerravalle Sesia (VC)Precision turned small parts in brass and AVP based on customer drawingsB 403
BEST FINISHING SRLGO TO WEBSITEGessate (MI)Best Finishing has been providing metal surface treatments via vibratory finishing for over 20 years, offering technical consultancy, solutions, processes, equipment, and productsA 116
BETELLI SRLGO TO WEBSITELacchiarella (MI)Production of industrial gaskets and technical articles - various materials and processesCC 711
BFT BURZONIGO TO WEBSITEPodenzano (PC)Distributor of chip removal tools for the metalworking sectorB 405
BIAZZI GIOVANNI SRLGO TO WEBSITECornate d'Adda (MB)Precision mechanical workshop - CNC turning and milling for third parties - mechanical constructionsA 85
BIELLA ARMANDO SRLGO TO WEBSITECalolziocorte (LC)Trade of welding systems, oxy-fuel cutting, accessories, fume extractors, bottled gases, hand tools, power tools, and related technical support and repair servicesB 268
BIELLA FORNITURE SRLGO TO WEBSITECisano Bergamasco (BG)Trade of systems and equipment for the tool and welding industryA 14
BILANCERIA ROCCA DI ROCCA GIANLUCA & C. SNCGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Sale, repair, maintenance, and certification of weighing instrumentsC 537
BINETTI & FORLANI SPAVAI AL SITOVarese (VA)Trade and representation of machinery, mechanical equipment, metal small parts, and mechanical materialsA 17
BIO-CIRCLE ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMestrino (PD)Wholesale trade and packaging of chemical and technological productsA 190
BORGHETTI IMPIANTI DI BORGHETTI MAUROGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Civil and industrial electrical systems, electric industrial furnace assistance, construction of thermocouples and electric resistancesA 28
BORGHI ERMANNO SRLGO TO WEBSITEOlgiate Comasco (CO)Electrical panels and software for automationA 48
BOSCHELLO FEDELE SRLGO TO WEBSITEVigonza (PD)CNC machining from plastic semi-finished productsA 123
BRACCHI MACCHINE UTENSILI SRL GO TO WEBSITECremella (LC)Representation of machine tools - CAD/CAM systems - robotic systems - EDM machinesB 257
BRIASOFT SRLGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Development of MES softwareB 258
C.G. METAL SNCGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Blanking of stainless steel parts, assembly of blanked parts, and precision carpentry in stainless steelB 435
C.L.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITEFontanelle (TV)Manufacturing of mechanical components using machining centersB 255
C.M.S. MECCANICA TONON SRLGO TO WEBSITEGodega S. Urbano (TV)Precision mechanics for third partiesC 529
CAM SPAGO TO WEBSITETrescore Balneario (BG)Mechanical machining for the automotive sectorC 620
CAMPORA SRLGO TO WEBSITETorrazza Coste (PV)Construction, trade, overhaul, and repair of machine toolsB 303
CAPECCHI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBorgo San Lorenzo (FI)Manufacturing of mechanical parts and assemblies - measuring instrumentsB 360
CARUSO FASTENERS SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerone (CO)Wholesale trade of hardware and tooling items, metal small partsB 436
CFM LOMBARDIA SRLGO TO WEBSITERescaldina (MI)Sale and support of industrial vacuum cleaners related to mechanical processes - chip removal and evacuation - liquids and powders.C 629
CHIARI BRUNO SRLGO TO WEBSITEChiari (BS)Cutting and processing of extruded aluminum profilesC 632
CITT TRATTAMENTI TERMICI SRLGO TO WEBSITEUsmate con Velate (MB)Heat treatment of metalsA 193
CMC COSTRUZIONI MECCANICHE CEREDA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAgrate Brianza (MB)Precision milling and turning, primarily on lightweight materials such as aluminum, brass, plastics, and stainless steel. Execution of samples, preseries, and small-medium batches. Use of CNC lathes, multi-axis lathes, and 4-axis machining centers.C 558
CMG SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlserio (CO)Sheet metal bending and weldingA 140
COGO BILANCE SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiona Santo Stefano (VA)Weighing and dosing systems - scales - weighbridges - piece counters - metrological laboratory - checks and calibrationsB 455
COLOMBO GIOVANNI E FIGLI SRL GO TO WEBSITEAbbadia Lariana (LC)Production of custom-turned parts based on customer drawings for the automotive, hydraulic, pneumatic, oil and gas, household appliance, and general mechanical sectors.CC 805
COMAN S.R.L.S. A SOCIO UNICOGO TO WEBSITENovate Milanese (MI)Metal carpentry for third parties - sheet metal processing (laser cutting, bending, rolling) Welding (TIG-MIG) Small mechanical processingC 559
COMAR SRLGO TO WEBSITELozzo Atestino (PD)Production and marketing of products for EDM and non-ferrous alloy processingA 3
COMEPI SRLGO TO WEBSITERobbiate (LC)Comepi develops and produces electromechanical components for industrial automation and machinery safetyCC 712
COMETEC SRLGO TO WEBSITELimena (PD)Mixed milling and turning of mechanical components - precision machining of metal small parts for packaging equipment in the food, pharmaceutical, and many other industries. Mechanical milling - Third-party precision milling - Engine components - Contract manufacturing of mechanical components for engines.A 95
COMPATECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEMassalengo (LO)Die-casting of zinc and aluminum alloys - CNC machining of extruded aluminumA 119
COMPUTES GROUP SRLGO TO WEBSITENiviano (PC)Development and marketing of CAD/CAM/ERP software solutions, INDUSTRY 4.0, and cost estimation for design and production in the sheet metal, carpentry, and mechanical sectors.B 415
CONSORZIO SCALVE MECCATRONIKGO TO WEBSITEVilminore di Scalve (BG)Precision mechanical machining, grinding, lappingB 359
COPRA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPila (VC)Production of small metal parts, taps, valves, and general metal productsA 136
COS.ME.L SNC DI LA COGNATA T. & C.GO TO WEBSITELonate Pozzolo (VA)Heavy carpentry construction and mechanical machiningCC 703
COSEMA TRADING SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonza (MB)Design and installation of filtration systems for coolant and chip processing for machine toolsC 530
COSTAM SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Quirino (PN)Complete project management: from design to mass production, ensuring consistency and quality throughout the entire production cycle.

Extensive experience in project management as the main contractor, ensuring compliance with timelines, costs, and quality standards.

Aesthetic excellence: production of complex components with high-level aesthetic finishes, ideal for sectors requiring attention to detail.

Production flexibility: ability to fulfill medium to low-volume orders with continuity and long-term reliability.

Vertical integration: in-house design and production of equipment and molds, ensuring total control over quality and customization.
A 25
COSTRUZIONI EFFEDUE DI FRANCIOLI FABIOGO TO WEBSITESiziano (PV)Technologies for the treatment of chips and small metal partsC 630
COSVECO SRLGO TO WEBSITECapriano di Briosco (MB)Workshop for die-casting molds, die-casting foundry (zinc alloy), vibratory finishing, sandblasting, polishing, washing, painting, and electroplatingB 364
COZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEMagenta (MI)Precision mechanical turning workshopA 185
CREMONINI SRLGO TO WEBSITESuello (LC)Design, manufacturing, and installation of metal carpentry in iron, stainless steel, and aluminum - sheet metal processing with laser cutting - bending machines - punching machinesB 252
CROESUS SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Bellino (RO)Mechanical processing of aluminum and PVC plates and profiles – Cutting – Milling – Drilling – Threading – Deburring – Assembly – MarkingB 250
CS COM SRLGO TO WEBSITECorropoli (TE)Third-party die-casting of zinc alloy articlesC 513
D.G.V. SRLGO TO WEBSITEArluno (MI)High-precision sheet metal processing for all applicationsB 427
DAFA ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAnnone Brianza (LC)DAFA Italia S.r.l. specializes in the definition, development, production, and sale of robotic FIPFG (Formed In Place Foam Gasket) sealing and bonding solutions.
- Production and sale of high-quality PU and SIL 2K systems for FIPFG sealing and bonding.
- Commercialization and technical support for the SIKA Automotive GmbH product line.
- Sale of advanced 2K and 3K mixing and dosing systems.
- Technical assistance and spare parts supply for mixing and dosing systems.
- Laboratory equipped with semi-automatic and robotic systems to ensure the best implementation of its solutions, from prototype production to full-scale manufacturing.
- Commercialization and sale of die-cut, adhesive seals made from sheets and blocks.
- Development of the production process in close cooperation with customers up to the commissioning of the system.
- Operator training with programs dedicated to system management and chemical material usage.
- Production assistance, scheduled and extraordinary maintenance, and spare parts supply.

Additionally, DAFA Italia offers third-party sealing and bonding services, from single prototypes and small series to large-scale production, as well as backup equipment rental.
C 634
DAMEC SRLGO TO WEBSITENerviano (MI)Retailer and manufacturer of machine tools and consumablesA 77
DANIELI SRLGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Trade of new and used machine toolsC 540
DATAGEST SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlbissola Marina (SV)Design and construction of 100% selection systems and SPC measurement stations for small partsC 611
DAV SRLGO TO WEBSITERho (MI)Metal carpentry and sheet metal processingB 273
DELMI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Automatic turning - production of small metal parts with CNC and bar-fed lathesCC 806
DIECI SRLGO TO WEBSITECarbonera (TV)Components, filters, and rotary discharge valves, air extraction and filtration systems, air purificationB 425
DIPROL ERBA SRLGO TO WEBSITEErba (CO)Distributors of hydraulic and pneumatic items and systemsC 601
DOFET DI TENDERINI ANDREA & C. SASGO TO WEBSITEPremana (LC)CNC automatic turning - small partsB 372
DUE-EMME ABRASIVI SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Genesio ed Uniti (PV)Production, transformation, and marketing of abrasive productsC 509
EFFEA SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiono (LC)Structural profiles in aluminum and carbon for mechanical constructions - mezzanines and metal shelving for industriesA 145
EFFEGIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMeda (MB)Official distributors of Renishaw products for Western Lombardy, providing high-precision measurement solutions and production efficiency tools.B 395
ELASTOTECNICA DISTRIBUZIONE SRLGO TO WEBSITEVaredo (MB)Production and mechanical processing of technical articles in polyurethane and other elastomersA 2
ELBO SRLGO TO WEBSITECastello D'Argile (BO)Production and sale of linear measuring systems, visualizers, CNC systems, and marking systemsC 568
ELETTROLEGHE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Production and trade of special materialsC 605
ELS ENGINEERING GO TO WEBSITEBrugherio (MB)Precision turning and millingC 639
ENERGIMETAL SRLGO TO WEBSITECameri (NO)Laser cutting, milling, and turning for third partiesC 602
ENTECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEOttobiano (PV)Production and marketing of self-tapping inserts, mechanical fastenings, and engineering servicesB 349
EREDI DI CORNAGGIAGO TO WEBSITEAbbadia Lariana (LC)Precision automatic turningA 112
EUROFIX CANTU' SRLGO TO WEBSITECantù (CO)Trade of industrial packaging and fastening itemsB 266
EUROTURNING SRLGO TO WEBSITEMissaglia (LC)Manufacturing and trade of special tools and equipment - turning for in-house and third-party operationsB 328
EVLASER SRLGO TO WEBSITECasnigo (BG)High-precision laser solutionsC 624
F.I.U.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITERobecco sul Naviglio (MI)Production and marketing of chip-removal tools (taps and dies for threading)A 130
F.LLI GAIANI SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Retailer of machine tools for chip removal and sheet metal processing - EDM systems for sinking and wire cutting - band sawsB 282/443
F.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITEAvigliana (TO)Metal finishing: deburring, sandblasting, tumbling, washing, edge breaking, phosphating, passivation, pickling, degreasingA 113
FAPASALVI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVal Brembilla (BG)Induction hardening and laser welding, third-party machiningC 524
FASB LINEA 2GO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Processing of metal tubes, bending and deforming tubes, sheet metal cutting and bending, tube laser cutting, robotic welding, and powder coatingB 329
FASE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SRLGO TO WEBSITETezze sul Brenta (VI)Centrifugal drying systems for small parts, oil removal from chips, systems for automatic lines or semi-automatic machinesB 281
FELLTECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEInzago (MI)Precision mechanical turning workshopC 570
FEMA S.R.L.GO TO WEBSITEBiassono (MB)Measuring instruments - transmission couplings - hydraulic motors and reducersC 561
FERVIT FASTENERS SPAGO TO WEBSITEModena (MO)Trade of screws, bolts, and other small partsC 520
FIGLI DI NANDO TRABATTONI SRL (TRABATTONI STAMPI)GO TO WEBSITECastelmarte (CO)- Rotary and planar molds with CNC engravings for various industries
- Third-party machining of medium and large-sized parts
- Production of mold bases, metal carpentry, and machine parts
- Manufacturing of calenders for roll stamping
3D scanning / Reverse engineering / Digital prototyping
C 617
FONTANA BILANCE SRLGO TO WEBSITECesano Maderno (MB)Trade and support of scales, slicers, piece counters, dispensers, load cells, labeling machines, ISO calibration, and periodic certificationA 13
FRATELLI MAGRO SRL UNIPERSONALEGO TO WEBSITEVilla di Tirano (SO)Manufacturing and assembly of machines and mechanical groups according to customer specifications - mechanical component processing and realization based on drawingsB 331
FRATELLI ROTONDI SRLGO TO WEBSITELegnano (MI)Design, construction, and provision of services related to automatic dimensional control machines and systems - Production of coordinate measuring machines and calibration accessories for various industriesB 381
FRESMAK S.A.GO TO WEBSITEZarautz (Spagna)Design and production of clamping systems for the machine tool sectorB 388
FUSETTI TRASMISSIONI MECCANICHE SRLGO TO WEBSITERovello Porro (CO)Gear construction, worm screws, broaching, racksB 314
FUTURMECC SRLGO TO WEBSITEOlgiate Comasco (CO)Third-party precision machining: CNC milling up to 5 axes and CNC turning from bar and chuck with live toolsC 562
G. GIAMBERINI DI GIAMBERINI GIUSEPPE GO TO WEBSITEBinago (CO)Precision mechanical workshop for third-party operationsB 349
G.E.G.A. SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Profiling, blanking, and welding of wire mesh, expanded metal, and solid sheetsB 424
G.M.F. SRL DI BRIGNOLIGO TO WEBSITEVerdello (BG)Third-party mechanical machiningC 571
GALLARATI SRLGO TO WEBSITEPontida (BG)Gallarati srl was founded in 1974 as a solely mechanical engineering company, producing small parts and accessories for manufacturers of equipment designed for receiving television signals.CC 707
GALLI ALDO S.A.S. & C.GO TO WEBSITEAgrate Brianza (MB)Systems and machinery for packagingA 178
GALLO LAVORAZIONI MECCANICHE SRLGO TO WEBSITEOzegna (TO)Precision CNC machining of all material types: steel, stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, superalloys, brass, and bronzeC 646
GAP LASER SYSTEMS SRLGO TO WEBSITESolbiate Olona (VA)Manufacturer of laser sources for marking, welding, and micro-cutting applications (DPSS and Fiber Laser)B 402
GATTI E FRIGERIO SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlserio (CO)Tube and sheet metal laser cuttingA 140
GENERAL GEAR SRLGO TO WEBSITEBedizzole (BS)Mechanical design for third parties of machinery, systems, and mechanical componentsA 202
GHIONI MIRANDA INGRANAGGI SRLGO TO WEBSITENovate Milanese (MI)Gear hobbing - broaching - mechanical machining - splined shafts - worm gear pairs - turningA 122
GI.LA SRLGO TO WEBSITEZinasco (PV)Precision mechanical turningC 536
GINO OLIVARES SRLGO TO WEBSITEGessate (MI)Sintered productsC 608
GIULIANO CANOVA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPonderano (BI)Gear and pulley constructionC 522
GM FINISHING SRLGO TO WEBSITESarezzo (BS)Surface finishing processes, deburring, sandblasting, tumbling. Deburring, grinding, mechanical machining, and component assembly.B 350
GM ITALY SRLGO TO WEBSITEVestone (BS)Our processes: Die-cast parts: foundry, sandblasting, and deburring, turning, milling, and surface treatmentsB 356
GMV MACCHINE UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITEZanica (BG)Import and distribution of chip-removal machine toolsA 31
GRICES HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS SRLGO TO WEBSITEValgreghentino (LC)Design and production of standard ISO and custom hydraulic cylindersA 1
GRICOM SRL UNIPERSONALEGO TO WEBSITEAlzano Lombardo (BG)Production of beveling systems - beveling machines - cutters for beveling machinesA 46
GRIGNACOLOR DI CASTELNUOVO GIUSEPPE & C.GO TO WEBSITEBallabio (LC)Production and sale of enamels, paints, and water-based coatingsB 326
GWM SRLGO TO WEBSITEBasiano (MI)Distribution of electric motors, reducers, and invertersCC 701
HABA SERVIZIO PIASTRE SRLGO TO WEBSITEBergamo (BG)Production of steel and aluminum plates machined and ground to specificationsB 346
HAINBUCH ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITECantù (CO)Clamping equipment for machine toolsB 454
HNG SRLGO TO WEBSITECassago Brianza (LC)Trade of mechanical tools - industrial suppliesB 270
IBD SRLGO TO WEBSITERivoli (TO)IBD's mission is to identify and select technologically advanced products and systems for introduction to the Italian automation and robotics markets.A 106
IFP EUROPEGO TO WEBSITEGalliera Veneta (PD)Cleaning and finishing of metal componentsC 505
IMA SRLGO TO WEBSITEFirenze (FI)Braking systems and friction materials for industrial applicationsB 355
IMMED DI DONADONI ENRICOGO TO WEBSITEBergamo (BG)Conveyor belts - Rollers - IMMED hoppers, IMMED self-centering vices, Drilling units, Tapping tables - Rotating CAM tables - CNC tablesCC 705
INTERNATIONAL MACCHINE UTENSILI SPAGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)High-quality products supplied by technologically advanced companies in the field of machine tools and numerical controlC 613
ITALKERO SRLGO TO WEBSITEModena (MO)Mechanical subcontracting - evaporative coolingC 525
JVONNE SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelgomberto (VI)Jvonne S.r.l. manufactures and sells chip processing systems and workholding systems for machine toolsCC 706
KVM ENGINEERING SRLGO TO WEBSITEVittorio Veneto (TV)Design, manufacturing of industrial machines, sheet metal design, product industrialization, consultancyC 504
L.A. CALIBRI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBologna (BO)Manufacturing of measuring instruments and calibrationsC 569
L.P.S. LAMIERE PERFORATE SPECIALI SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonza (MB)L.P.S. specializes in perforated sheets, mesh, decorative plates, and metal accessoriesC 633
LA.M.P.A.S. SNCGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)LAMPAS specializes in molds for thermoplastic and zinc alloy components and custom toolsB 361
LANZINI SRLGO TO WEBSITEAntegnate (BG)Lanzini Srl designs and manufactures systems for metal chip processing, including centrifuges, shredders, conveyor belts, centralized drag chain and scraper systems, tilting elevators, storage silos, briquetting machines, handling systems, mixers, and metal carpentry.C 626
LARIANA COMPRESSORI SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiono (LC)Sale and support of industrial air compressors and compressed air systemsA 126
LARICA SNCGO TO WEBSITELomazzo (CO)Larica specializes in diamond tools for dressing, profiling, and shaping grinding wheelsA 6
LARIO MACCHINE UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITECivate (LC)Sale of new and used machine tools for chip removal, sheet metal, and aluminum processingB 391
LASERBERG TECH SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelli Calepio (BG)Design, production, sales, and support of laser machines for cutting, marking, and weldingC 638
LAVORAZIONI MECCANICHE PIGNAT SRLGO TO WEBSITEPorcia (PN)Precision mechanical machining - Turning, milling, and mechanical assembly - Production of quick-screw couplingsC 504
LE MACCHINE DI LUCA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMacherio (MB)Sale of machine tools: pantograph, plasma, laser, etc.C 551
LEGHE LEGGERE LAVORATE SRLGO TO WEBSITEBuccinasco (MI)Third-party production of mechanical components using turning and 5-axis machining centers in various industries, including medical and automotiveC 552
LGL SERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEGalbiate (LC)Laser cutting, mechanics, assembly, and high-precision carpentry in iron and stainless steel - Complete subcontracting managementB 441
LIMA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBolgare (BG)CNC mechanical machining - technical items and industrial gaskets - plastics, rubbers, and technopolymersB 296
LINEA TECNICA SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelfranco Emilia (MO)Coolants, lubricants, and equipmentB 438
LOGISTICA E SERVIZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEZinasco (PV)Third-party industrial assembliesC 536
LOUIS BELET SAGO TO WEBSITEVendlincourt ()Cutting tools for micromechanics, jewelry, and watchmakingA 43
LPA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMarano Vicentino (VI)Consumables for EDMB 450
LUBROSERVICE WATER TECHNOLOGY SRLGO TO WEBSITEReggio Emilia (RE)The high technological content of the equipment and the purely Made in Italy design distinguish the entire product range of Lubroservice Water Technology srl. Choosing a Lubroservice Water Technology srl system means opting for a unique product in terms of quality and performance, made with strictly certified, high-quality materials.

Integrity, innovation, quality, and efficiency are values that have always defined our corporate philosophy, which is strongly oriented towards achieving maximum customer satisfaction while maintaining a focus on flexibility and customer care.
B 333
M.C.T. SRLGO TO WEBSITECaluso (TO)Design and production of molds - thermoplastic molding - assemblyA 99
M.G. SRLGO TO WEBSITEVestone (BS)Active for over 20 years in surface treatments and decorative painting, MG is one of the most advanced companies in Italy for highly customized finishes.B 279
M.P.M. MECHANICS SRLMonza (MB)Third-party mechanical workshop specialized in the production of custom-designed mechanical parts, with thirty years of experience in hydraulics.
Optimal know-how to efficiently manage all processes within competitive timeframes, from production to assembly, thanks to CAD/CAM Fanuc programming and our innovative machinery fleet.
B 317
MACHIAVELLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEGalbiate (LC)Injection molding of thermoplastic materials - mold construction - accessory machiningB 321
MAG-AUTOBLOK TECNOMAGNETE SPAGO TO WEBSITELainate (MI)Production of magnetic equipment for clamping or handlingB 390
MAKEVO SRLGO TO WEBSITECastione di Loria (TV)Laser cutting of sheet metal, bending, rolling, welding, assembly, and surface treatmentsA 63
MANCIN SRLGO TO WEBSITECossato (BI)Precision mechanical machining for third parties including milling, turning, and CNC grindingA 86
MANENTI SPAGO TO WEBSITECastegnato (BS)Trade, cutting, and processing of aluminum and metalsB 423
MAST MECCANICA SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)MAST Meccanica specializes in the construction and assembly of mechanical equipment, prototype parts, and pre-series production. It features a metrology room with high-precision instruments.B 433
MAURI GIOVANNI SRLGO TO WEBSITERogeno (LC)Third-party plastic moldingB 259
MAXLUBE SRLGO TO WEBSITETradate (VA)Trade and production of industrial fluids and complementary accessoriesA 159
ME. BU. SRLGO TO WEBSITECadrezzate con Osmate (VA)Cold sheet metal working - Blanking, optical fiber laser cutting - Bending - TIG and MIG weldingC 532
MECCANICA BESNATESE SRL GO TO WEBSITEBesnate (VA)Mechanical machining - design and production of linear tables, rotary systems, and automation systemsB 386
MECCANICA HI TECH SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Vito al Tagliamento (PN)Mechanical machining - supply of machines based on customer drawingsB 413
MECCANICA VIMERCATI SRLGO TO WEBSITECernusco sul Naviglio (MI)Construction and assembly of high-precision mechanical components - CNC turning, milling, and grindingA 129
MECMATICA SRLGO TO WEBSITESpirano (BG)Monitoring production systems - Industry 4.0 - Industrial informatics - MES softwareB 378
MEDIATEC SRLGO TO WEBSITEMontebelluna (TV)Suppliers of parts for the industry - Production of CNC-machined plastic parts, technical rubber items, industrial gaskets in rubber and PU, and rubber hoses for liquids and suctionB 342
MEM SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelseprio (VA)Lavorazioni meccaniche di precisione di tornitura e fresatura CNCA 118
MENTI METAL MECCANICA SNCGO TO WEBSITESarego (VI)Menti Metal Meccanica is a company based in Sarego (VI) specializing in wire processing. Our operations include: cutting to size (coil Ø1.50÷12.00 mm – bar up to Ø25.00 mm), bending (coil Ø3.00÷14.00 mm – bar Ø1.50÷22.00 mm), spot welding of grids and baskets, tie rods, chip removal and rolling (M4-M24), turning and milling up to Ø20.00 mm, and various stamping operations (100 tons). We can also work with other profiles such as squares, hexagons, flats, and ribbed wire. Additionally, we regularly provide our products with surface treatments such as galvanizing, chroming, burnishing, cataphoresis, and more.A 90
META SPAGO TO WEBSITES. Felice s/P. (MO)High-precision mechanical machiningA 115
METAL BARRE SRLGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Wholesale trade of semi-finished products in ferrous and non-ferrous metalsA 173
METECH SRLGO TO WEBSITERovereto (TN)Import and sale of equipment for machine toolsA 203
MGTECK SRL GO TO WEBSITEOsnago (LC)Milling and turning for third partiesA 4
MICRA SRLGO TO WEBSITERomans D'Isonzo (GO)Precision mechanical machiningB 413
MICROMECCANICA DI PRECISIONE SRLGO TO WEBSITECassago Brianza (LC)Third-party mechanical machining of turning and milling with CNC machines (3-axis lathes, 4-axis machining centers) - Design and construction of standard and custom pneumatic cylindersA 187
MILLUTENSILGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Manufacturers of presses, mold openers, mold tilters, sheet metal feeding lines, and cutting lines - trade of mold components and normalized materialsB 399
MINUTEK RONCORONI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBusto Garolfo (MI)Production of precision small metal partsC 523
MINUTER SRLGO TO WEBSITELograto (BS)Production of precision turned small parts based on customer drawings using CNC sliding head lathesC 511
MINUTERIE GROPPINI SNCGO TO WEBSITEPontirolo Nuovo (BG)Precision small metal parts for third parties based on drawingsA 165
MIT.D. SRLGO TO WEBSITEBernezzo (CN)Manufacturers of probes, heating electric resistances, and trade of electric products for process control and industrial automationC 526
MMV MINUTERIA MECCANICA VALSESIANA SRLGO TO WEBSITEScopa (VC)Production of bar-turned precision small metal parts based on drawingsA 135
MODULMEC INGRANAGGI SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Quirino (PN)Company specializing in the construction of mechanical components for motion transmissionA 155
MOLLE INDUSTRIALI CONTE SRLGO TO WEBSITESettimo Torinese (TO)Design, development, and production of industrial springsB 339
MOLLIFICIO LUIGI CODEGA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMalgrate (LC)Industrial production of custom springsB 324
MOLLIFICIO RENZO SCOTTI SRLGO TO WEBSITELissone (MB)Our company, with over 40 years of experience, specializes in the production of wire and strip springs for diverse applications. We use advanced machinery and top-quality materials like Inconel, Nimonic, and Monel.A 167
MONGUZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBiassono (MB)Monguzzi Srl is a modern and dynamic company that has been specializing in the distribution of industrial transmissions for over twenty years. To ensure absolute quality and reliability for our clients, we exclusively partner with the best brands in the market. Our company is an official distributor of HIWIN, BEA INGRANAGGI, and REGINA CHAIN. To meet even the most specific and demanding requests, in addition to standard products, we also provide non-standard products, custom-built and/or machined to design and treated. This service is offered and guaranteed in rapid times, much faster than the original manufacturer.

Starting in 2024, Monguzzi has also become a manufacturer of linear axes. With our R3GO production line, featuring different and customizable models, we design and produce tailor-made multi-axis systems for various sectors and industrial applications.

As both distributors and manufacturers, we do not merely provide simple products. We offer a comprehensive and accurate service that allows us to be a unified point of reference for our customers. We rely on a commercial and technical team with extensive experience in the sector and in customer support. We dedicate care and attention to our clients, assisting them from the initial contact to the final delivery of the product.
B 375
MONTEMURRO UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITEPrata Camportaccio (SO)Sharpening and production of special tools for general and bio-mechanicsA 158
MORUECO SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Construction of machine toolsC 650
MTM MAURI SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonticello Brianza (LC)Mechanical turning for the production of small parts, hydraulic fittings, and various componentsA 111
N.T.S. TECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEVizzolo Predabissi (MI)N.T.S. TECH offers comprehensive services in the design, construction, and maintenance of injection, die-casting, and blanking molds.A 195
NB MECCANICA SRL - NETWORK OPEREPRIMEGO TO WEBSITEMontelabbate (PU)Turning, milling, and third-party CNC mechanical machiningA 179
NEVI SRLGO TO WEBSITEChiuduno (BG)Third-party construction and welding of titanium partsC 512
NUOVA CAGIFER SRL - NETWORK OPEREPRIMEGO TO WEBSITEAscoli Piceno (AP)Established in 1979 and based in Ascoli Piceno, Nuova Cagifer srl is active nationwide and indirectly internationally in the field of industrial systems for sectors such as Personal Care, Food, Beverage, Packaging, High-Precision Machine Tools, Energy, and Research.
The company's core business is the construction of components, subassemblies, and highly customized prototype systems for industrial plants or machines, managing both unique pieces and medium volumes. The materials processed include both ferrous and non-ferrous materials, such as welded structures, solid components (plates, bars, etc.), castings, forgings, and more.
Nuova Cagifer currently operates a certified system (UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standards), ensuring its customers' quality and export certification requirements are met.
A key feature of the company is its ability to simultaneously produce highly diverse components using Just-in-Time production strategies. It acts as the main contractor for its clients in terms of special machining, thermal and surface treatments, and subassembly assembly.
Over the years, the company's strategy has been to significantly diversify its production, offering solutions across multiple sectors while aiming to be a Partner rather than just a subcontractor. Leveraging its expertise, this approach has resulted in over 20 years of loyalty from its major clients.
A 179
NWT METALUX SRLGO TO WEBSITEManerbio (BS)Surface treatments of metals, polishing, galvanic satin finishing, and painting on zinc alloys, aluminum, stainless steel, brass, and ironB 260
O.M.B. SNC DI BONGIOVANNI & C.GO TO WEBSITEMandello del Lario (LC)Precision third-party mechanical machining and assembly of groupsB 254
O.M.C.R. SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Maurizio Canavese (TO)OMCR Industrial Solutions specializes in chip compaction, reducing waste volume up to 8 times and optimizing space and handling.A 192
O.M.V. OFFICINE MECCANICHE VIGLIANESIGO TO WEBSITEQuarenga Cerreto (BI)For 50 years, we have been providing a complete turnkey service in the field of third-party precision mechanical machining and industrial automation, with expertise ranging from study and design to prototyping and production of components, assemblies, and complete machines.CC 807
O.S.P. SRLGO TO WEBSITETrissino (VI)Third-party operations - CNC turning - CNC milling - mechanical machining based on drawingsB 337
OFF. MECC. DELL'ORO CARLO SNCGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Sales, installation, and maintenance of compressors and accessories for compressed air systemsC 553
OFFICINA FRATELLI CORTIANA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBrugherio (MB)Manufacturing of construction elements in metalA 132
OFFICINA MECCANICA BIEFFE SRLGO TO WEBSITEAnnone Brianza (LC)Officina Meccanica BIEFFE has been providing third-party mechanical machining services since 2003, utilizing cutting-edge equipment and 3D simulation software.B 290
OFFICINA MECCANICA BRUGGER SRLGO TO WEBSITEComo (CO)Third-party chip removal machining for precision partsC 606
OFFICINA MECCANICA CARLASSARA SRLGO TO WEBSITEInarzo (VA)High-precision mechanical machining: turning, milling, cutting, and grinding - Extrusion lines for flexible tubes, profiles, and sheetsB 344
OFFICINA MECCANICA CARLO CERINI SRLGO TO WEBSITERescaldina (MI)Production of mechanical presses ranging from 35 to 600 tonsB 271
OFFICINA MECCANICA LOMBARDA SRLGO TO WEBSITETrivolzio (PV)Production and marketing of clamping equipment for machine toolsB 370
OFFICINE CELSI SNCGO TO WEBSITECortenova (LC)Sheet metal processing: laser cutting, punching, bending, and weldingC 533
OFFICINE E. BIGLIA & C. S.P.A.GO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Production and sale of CNC lathesB 311
OFFICINE ELETTROMECCANICHE CHIOVENDA S.N.C.GO TO WEBSITELainate (MI)Third-party mechanical and electromechanical machiningA 50
OFFICINE G.S.P. SRLGO TO WEBSITEFiume Veneto (PN)Third-party sheet metal and tubular processingA 162
OFFICINE PIKI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValvarrone (LC)Officine Piki specializes in stainless steel processing, manufacturing tanks and piping systems, and advanced metal 3D printing for various industries.B 371
OFFICINE SCALELLA SOC. COOP.GO TO WEBSITESanta Venerina (CT)Turning, milling, and mechanical assembliesC 564
OFFICINE TERMOTECNICHE FRACCARO SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelfrando Veneto (TV)European leader in radiant heating and cooling systems for industrial and residential environmentsA 74
OMA EREDI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVillasanta (MB)High-precision mechanical machining - CNC turning, millingB 276
OMAS ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPaderno Dugnano (MI)Mechanical tooling, mold construction, and third-party moldingA 61
OMB DI BENDOTTI NANDO & C SRLGO TO WEBSITEPieve Vergonte (VB)Small and medium-sized turning and milling mechanical machiningB 380
OMBAR SRLGO TO WEBSITENova Milanese (MB)Third-party machining, tooling, and precision mechanical components for the automotive, robotics, and energy sectorsA 176
OMEBA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPremana (LC)Precision mechanical workshop specializing in aluminum processingA 121
OMEC SRLGO TO WEBSITEColzate (BG)Mechanical machining with chip removalA 124
OMT BONETTO SRLGO TO WEBSITEArsego di S. Giorgio delle pertiche (PD)Precision mechanics and small metal partsA 81
OMTR SRLGO TO WEBSITECermenate (CO)Third-party production of precision mechanical componentsA 67
P.L.UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITECosta Masnaga (LC)Sharpening and manufacturing of special toolsB 387
PACKING CENTER SRLGO TO WEBSITEPogno (NO)Distribution and processing of packaging materialsC 518
PANOZZO SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerate (LC)Caps and plastic screwsB 327
PANZA OSSITAGLIO SPAGO TO WEBSITEPontida (BG)Sheet metal service centerA 35
PANZERI ALESSANDRO SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiono (LC)General mechanical processing - finished products - pneumatic headsB 300
PAPINI STAMPI SRLGO TO WEBSITECalolziocorte (LC)Design and construction of molds and equipment for producing small metal partsB 320
PARMALAPPING SRLGO TO WEBSITERubbiano di Solignano (PR)Grinding and lapping - plasmaspray coatings HVOF CHROME TEFLON - ceramics and solid carbidesA 117
PASELLO TRATTAMENTI TERMICI SRLGO TO WEBSITECalderara di Reno (BO)Heat treatment of metals: hardening, cementation, nitriding, and various specialized processesCC 702
PIDIKEI SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)Co-design, mold construction (pilot and series), and molding of plastics/rubber/seals – molding in a clean room – specialization in overmolding filters and metal partsCC 704
PIEFFE SRLGO TO WEBSITEFossano (CN)Production of technical articles in polyurethane, rubber, and plastics - Coating of rollers, wheels, cylinders, and drums in various materialsC 534
PLASTISERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEGravellona Toce (VB)Plastic molding and assemblyA 156
POLY-TECH SRLSGO TO WEBSITEComun Nuovo (BG)Distribution of components and systems for industrial pneumatic automationA 201
PRECISION ROBOTICA SRLGO TO WEBSITELaveno Mombello (VA)Robotic automationA 68
PRESSVIT SRLGO TO WEBSITEZibido San Giacomo (MI)Production of unified and custom screwsA 114
PRIMAFLUID SRLGO TO WEBSITEPeschiera Borromeo (MI)Sales of components and systems for pneumatic and hydraulic automationA 181
PRO.VE.R. SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerate (LC)Design and construction of thermoplastic and LSR molds - advanced plastic moldingA 103
PROVERA SRL COSTRUZIONI METALMECCANICHEGO TO WEBSITETerruggia (AL)Medium-light carpentry, mechanical machining, and paintingB 452
PUNTO INOX SERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerone (CO)Wholesale trade of stainless steel materials, tubes, sheets, bars, fittings, and accessoriesA 104
R4 AUTOMAZIONI SRLGO TO WEBSITECisano Bergamasco (BG)Design and construction of special machines for assembly - third-party machiningA 23
R.F. CELADA SPAGO TO WEBSITECologno Monzese (MI)Distributor of machine toolsA 17
RAL SRLGO TO WEBSITECastello di Brianza (LC)Sharpening and manufacturing of toolsB 292
RCM ROSSIGNOLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValbrembo (BG)Design and construction of assembly lines and machinesB 377
RE-COL SRLGO TO WEBSITECarate Brianza (MB)Third-party grindingA 60
RETE UFFICIO ESTEROGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Support service for companies in commercial development and customer acquisition in foreign marketsB 323
RGPBALLS SRLGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Production and marketing of precision balls, rollers, needle rollers, and bearing ballsA 52
RI-LAVO SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonza (MB)Production of ultrasonic systemsCC 801
RI.MA.T SRLGO TO WEBSITEPalermo (PA)Precision mechanics: turning, milling, broaching, and third-party machiningB 373
RIMEC SRLGO TO WEBSITECosta Masnaga (LC)Precision mechanical workshop - third-party machining and production of custom metal partsB 251
RIVA&BRUTTI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Repair and sale of electric motors, electric pumps, power tools, fans, and gearboxesA 26
ROBUSTELLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVilla Guardia (CO)Rubber molding and technical articlesA 79
ROS SRLGO TO WEBSITEAzzano Decimo (PD)Third-party sheet metal processing, including laser cutting, bending, welding, assembly, and powder coating for various industriesC 644
RP METALFASTENERS DIVISION MACHINE SRLGO TO WEBSITEPaderno Dugnano (MI)Wholesale trade in the national and international market of fasteners and fastening systems, design and production of machines for sheet metal cutting and deformation.A 93
RS ACCIAI SRLGO TO WEBSITEScandicci (FI)Resale and trade of special steels for moldsA 88
RS CASTING SRLGO TO WEBSITEBoara Piasani (PD)Aluminum alloy castings using sand and gravity techniques. We produce any casting requested by the customer.C 514
RU.CO.S SRLGO TO WEBSITEVignate (MI)Mechanical processing of wheels and parts in rubber, polyurethane, and VulkollanA 66
S.I.A.T. SRLGO TO WEBSITEVilla Cortese (MI)For over thirty years, SIAT has been a significant player in precision mechanics, tooling, production of small metal parts, and metal blanking and bending.A 41
S.M.P. SRLGO TO WEBSITEMagnago (MI)Metal carpentry and mechanical processing, design, and fabrication of medium and large metal structures and componentsB 397
S.T.T. SRLGO TO WEBSITEStrambino (TO)Heat treatments on steelA 45
SAETEC S.A.S. DI LUIGI SALOMONI & C.GO TO WEBSITEVerderio (LC)Light metal carpentry - sheet metal processing - manufacturing of sheet metal productsB 322
SAFE FLOOR SRL GO TO WEBSITEPradalunga (BG)Flooring and wall coating, sale and installation of protective anti-impact barriers and safety solutionsA 29
SALP SRLGO TO WEBSITEBarzanò (LC)Panels for exhibition setups, acoustic panels, packaging crates, raised flooringCC 811
SANTONI DI SANTONI ALESSANDRO & C. SASGO TO WEBSITEFermo (FM)Design and manufacturing of die-casting and thermoplastic molds - die-casting of zinc alloy and plastic injection molding - turning, post-processing, and tumblingA 151
SCAMER SRLGO TO WEBSITENibbiola (NO)Third-party mechanical processing of metal tubes - bending, welding, and assembly of tubes for fluids, gas systems, etc.C 641
SCELSI COMPONENTI SRLGO TO WEBSITECernusco sul Naviglio (MI)Mechanical workshopC 516
SEMAR SRL - OPERE PRIMEGO TO WEBSITEPesaro (PU)Our company, founded in 1975, manufactures mechanical components and assemblies according to customer specifications, operating with meticulous adherence to the required technical standards. We also perform precision mechanical machining, specializing in turning and grinding operations.A 179
SHAREBOT SRLGO TO WEBSITENibionno (LC)Sharebot specializes in developing high-precision, reliable, and user-friendly 3D printers for professional and educational markets.C 565
SI.MA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBovisio Masciago (MB)Production and sale of marking systems using laser and microdot technologyA 38
SIDERTOCE SPAGO TO WEBSITEGravellona Toce (VB)Marketing of special steels (raw and semi-finished)A 137
SIGMA INTERNATIONAL SRLGO TO WEBSITEPedrengo (BG)Sale of welding and cutting products and systemsC 500
SILGA SPAGO TO WEBSITECastelfidardo (AN)Galvanic surface treatments, anodizing, technical and decorative treatments, and protective systemsA 143
SIME SRLGO TO WEBSITEMandello del Lario (LC)Precision mechanical milling with CNC for third parties, specializing in aluminum processingA 108
SINTA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Distribution of components for industrial automation: electric axes, Cartesian systems, SCARA, anthropomorphic and collaborative robots, and related componentsC 609
SINTECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEVillanova Monferrato (AL)Third-party mechanical operations such as milling, boring, and CNC grindingA 149
SMART SUPPLY SRLGO TO WEBSITECesano Maderno (MB)Third-party mechanical machiningB 362
SOLDANO STAMPI SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)Design and production of thermoplastic molds, precision mechanical machining using CNC machining centers, custom spare partsA 134
SOLIDCAM ITALIAGO TO WEBSITEBentivoglio (BO)Resale of CAM softwareC 636
SOLIDMANUFACTURINGGO TO WEBSITEBentivoglio (BO)Resale of 3D printersC 635
STA-FOR DI GASPARDO LUIGINO & C.GO TO WEBSITEManiago (PN)Company operating since 1975 in the precision mechanics sector, specializing in turning, milling, laser cutting, wire EDM, and blanking.CC 709
STAMPERIA CARLO GUERRIERI & FIGLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEErba (CO)Hot forging of steel, stainless steel, and alloysB 335
STAR LAB SRLGO TO WEBSITEAnnone Brianza (LC)Precision mechanical machiningB 295
STF SRLGO TO WEBSITEBarzago (LC)Third-party mechanical workshop specializing in turning and milling from 0 to 6 metersB 325
SVIMGO TO WEBSITEKarlovacNon-ferrous metal foundryB 421
SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY SRLGO TO WEBSITEMazzano (BS)Exclusive distributor for Italy of CAD/CAM software Go2CamA 39
T.A. SRLGO TO WEBSITEArcisate (VA)Precision CNC machining - bar turningA 107
T.E.R. TECNO ELETTRICA RAVASI SRL GO TO WEBSITECalco (LC)Production of electromechanical components for lifting, automation, and industrial handling machines: rotary and position limit switches, pendant and wall pushbuttons, joysticksA 20
T.P.F. SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Mauro Torinese (TO)Modular structures based on drawings made with aluminum profiles. Precision mechanical machiningB 419
TAJMAC-MTM SPAGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Trade of machine tools and accessoriesC 622
TASSINARI GROUP SRLGO TO WEBSITEFerrara (FE)Mold base manufacturing for plastic, die-casting, and blanking industriesB 449
TECNICA GASKET SPAGO TO WEBSITEParatico (BS)Design and production of technical seals in elastomers, liquid silicone, and thermoplasticsA 209
TECNO E.D.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Maurizio Canavese (TO)Design, engineering, and production of graphite and copper electrodes for EDM machinesB 265
TECNO-SALDATURE SRLGO TO WEBSITECorreggio (RE)Third-party robotic weldingB 351
TECNOSAR SRLGO TO WEBSITEBedizzole (BS)Applications for resin flooring and coatingsA 204
TECNOSTAMPOFUSIONE SRLGO TO WEBSITENovi Ligure (AL)Aluminum, bronze, brass, and zinc casting using shell and die-casting methodsC 517
TECNOSTYLE SRLGO TO WEBSITEValdobbiadene (TV)Production of precision metal small partsCC 804
TEKMO SRLGO TO WEBSITETravagliato (BS)Production and machining of turned small metal partsC 508
TEKNO SERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Sale of CAD/CAM systems - Industry 4.0 data transmission and collection productsA 170
TEOMA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAssago (MI)Exclusive distributor for Italy of Tsudakoma Corp. CNC rotary tablesB 369
TES SRLGO TO WEBSITECologno Monzese (MI)Third-party mechanical machining, including milling and turningA 83
TIME SRLGO TO WEBSITECapannori (LU)Production of ERP softwareC 637
TITALIA SPAGO TO WEBSITEBrugherio (MB)Forging and treatments on titanium, zirconium, and copper. Mechanical machining through chip removal and waterjet cutting.CC 803
TOOLS DISTRIBUTION SRLGO TO WEBSITEBesana in Brianza (MB)Wholesale distribution of technical tooling for producing small metal partsB 278
TOPSOLID ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEModena (MO)For over 35 years, TOPSOLID SAS has marketed its CAD/CAM and ERP solutions in France and worldwideB 400
TORMES SRLGO TO WEBSITE20024 (MI)Precision mechanics for third parties in medium and large seriesA 184
TORNERIA P.M.S. SRLGO TO WEBSITEMontecchio Maggiore (VI)Precision mechanical turning workshop producing customer-designed parts in steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and other alloysC 528
TORNERIA REDA SRLGO TO WEBSITECarate Brianza (MB)Precision automatic turning, third-party production of turned parts from bar stock in steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum, and plasticsA 44
TORNOMATIC PONTIROLO SRLGO TO WEBSITEPontirolo Nuovo (BG)Turning - gear hobbing and worm screws - rolling - planetary reducersA 5
TQS ITALY SRLGO TO WEBSITEBoffalora Sopra Ticino (MI)Third-party processing of batches, identifying and discarding non-compliant elements, and separating foreign objects with synchronized vibrating bowlsA 40
UMAC SPAGO TO WEBSITECastano Primo (MI)Mechanical toolingB 416
UNI-MECC SRLGO TO WEBSITECafasse (TO)Specialized in cutting and finishing steel, aluminum, and iron tubes for bushings, eyelets, spacers, and various applicationsA 212
UNILOCK SRLGO TO WEBSITETrezzano S/Naviglio (MI)Design and production of clamping systems for CNC lathesB 332
UNION SPAGO TO WEBSITESala Bolognese (BO)Manufacturers of metal cleaning systemsA 172
UTIMAC TORINO SPAGO TO WEBSITERobassomero (TO)Production and sale of automatic single and multi-spindle CNC lathesA 9
VAL-FER SRLCesana Brianza (LC)MetalworkingA 47
VAL.MA.TECH. SRLGO TO WEBSITEPonte Nossa (BG)Reseller and integrator of collaborative robotics under the "DOBOT" brand for central and northern ItalyB 384
VALSECCHI & DEVIZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValgreghentino (LC)Mechanical turning workshop producing high-precision custom parts for hydraulics, automotive, and fittings sectorsB 353
VETRARIA MALBERTI SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Glass for mechanical and industrial equipmentA 27
VIBA COLORI SRLGO TO WEBSITECisano Bergamasco (BG)Viba Colors has over 40 years of experience in producing and selling paints, offering innovation, expertise, and application support.C 628
VINCIT SRLGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Industrial distributor specialized in complete compressed air systems, pneumatic automation components, and process water cooling, with technical support and assistance.B 262/309
WIKIPLAST SRLGO TO WEBSITEBusto Arsizio (VA)Third-party mechanical machining of plastics and sale of semi-finished plastic productsC 615
YANG SRLGO TO WEBSITECastano Primo (MI)Processing brass parts on transfer machines and 5-axis CNC centers with dimensional controls and anthropomorphic armsB 338
ZA-BER SRLGO TO WEBSITELonate Pozzolo (VA)Mechanical machining based on customer designs and specificationsCC 708
ZEMINIAN SASGO TO WEBSITELainate (MI)Design, production, sales, and repair of standardized and custom pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders for industrial automationB 456
ZETA STAMPI SRLGO TO WEBSITEViganò (LC)Plastic molding/mold constructionB 288
ZETAEFFE SNCGO TO WEBSITECambiago (MI)Production of turned sealsC 550
3C SRLGO TO WEBSITEVeduggio con Colzano (MB)Third-party mold processingB 336
A.L.A. GUIZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Mechanical workshop for metal carpentry constructions, industrial processing of stainless steels, construction of equipment for heat treatmentsA 101
A.M.P.E.R.E. ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Suppliers of abrasives for impact sandblastingC 560
A.P.I. SRLGO TO WEBSITERotella (AP)Technical articles in elastomeric polyurethaneCC 710
A.S.C. FRANCHI LASER SNCGO TO WEBSITEProserpio (CO)Laser cutting for sheet metal and tubes, punching, bending, weldingB 294
A.T.C. GROUP SRLGO TO WEBSITEGalbiate (LC)Sales and assistance for industrial compressors and accessories, compressed air distribution systemsC 619
ABS SRLGO TO WEBSITEMolteno (LC)Cutting and processing of metal tubesA 110
AFC MECCANICA SRLGO TO WEBSITECaronno Varesino (VA)Mechanical machining based on customer drawings: boring, milling, turning, and medium to large-scale carpentryA 200
AGM FILTRI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVigevano (PV)Manufacturers of filter cartridges and trade of filtration elementsA 206
AIROLDI METALLI SPAGO TO WEBSITEMolteno (LC)Trade of extruded and rolled aluminum and other non-ferrous metalsB 347
ALBAPLANT SRLGO TO WEBSITEPessano con Bornago (MI)Design and construction of industrial furnaces for steel heat treatmentC 554
ALFA ROBOTICA SRLGO TO WEBSITECaronno Pertusella (VA)ABB System Integrator - industrial automation systems with ABB robotsC 555
ALMET ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBologna (BO)Distribution of aluminum semi-finished productsB 394
AMCO DI COMETTI MAURO E C. SNCGO TO WEBSITEVilla Carcina (BS)Mechanical machining for third parties and manufacturers of customized machines upon customer requestC 566
AMF ANDREAS MAIER GMBH & CO. KGGO TO WEBSITEFellbach (Germania)Clamping systems and toolsB 301
AR FILTRAZIONI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBergamo (BG)Oil mist purifiers to be installed on machine tools with filtered air recirculation in the environmentC 648
ARNABOLDI SRLGO TO WEBSITEComo (CO)Precision micromechanicsA 75
ATLAS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES SRLGO TO WEBSITETrezzano S/Naviglio (MI)Development of IoT systems for the mechanical industry, development of artificial intelligence algorithms, Industry 4.0 consultancyA 211
ATTREZZERIA U.M.F. SRLGO TO WEBSITEOspedaletto Loano (LO)Metal blanking, cold sheet metal deformationA 82
AUTOMATIC GI.MA.GO TO WEBSITETreviglio (BG)Manufacturers of Transfer Machines, CNC Machining Centers, Pneumo-hydraulic/CNC Operating Units, Slides, Positioning Supports, and Pneumo-hydraulic/CNC Rotary Tables with Hirth gearing and self-centering chucks.
- Design and production of clamping equipment
- Machine automation with robots
- Retrofitting of Transfer Machines
B 426
AUTOMAZIONI INDUSTRIALIGO TO WEBSITENave (BS)Industrial Automations srl boasts 40 years of experience in robotics and applied automation across various production sectors, providing turnkey robotic systems and automationB 286
AUTON SISTEMI SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)Auton Sistemi is a well-established company in the distribution, integration, and customization of CAD/CAM software, active since 1998. Specializing in the commercialization and support of high-quality software solutions for the manufacturing industry in Italy, the company represents leading brands such as ESPRIT, WORKNC, and VISI, part of the Hexagon AB portfolio.

The solutions offered by Auton Sistemi are cutting-edge and highly efficient, ideal for design and operations on complex machine tools, including 3- to 6-axis milling machines, 2- to 22-axis mill-turn machines, and 2- to 5-axis EDM systems.
B 415
AZETA 23GO TO WEBSITEPiantedo (SO)Laser cutting - light carpentryC 642
B&B SRLGO TO WEBSITEGabicce Mare (PU)Production of medium and large turning, including: rollers, shafts, and bushings; CNC department; prototyping; traditional turning and automatic welding departmentsB 277
B.A. - BONOMI ACCIAI SRLGO TO WEBSITELumezzane (BS)Bonomi Acciai specializes in supplying high-quality steel, offering innovative products, personalized technical support, and a commitment to ethics, professionalism, and sustainabilityB 261
BAIGUERA FRANCO & C. SNCGO TO WEBSITESenna Comasco (CO)Precision mechanical machiningB 318
BB VITERIE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMontevecchia (LC)Trade of standard bolts - Production of custom-designed small partsB 289
BBS ROBOT SRLGO TO WEBSITEBorgosatollo (BS)Distributor of automation components for DENSO, Kawasaki, Shibaura, Hyundai and Flexibowl.A 205
BECA BOX FACTORY SRLGO TO WEBSITETermini Imerese (PA)Beca Box was founded in 1997 as a supplier for Fiat's former Termini Imerese plant. In 1999, the company began diversifying its production, focusing and investing in CNC machining technology. Today, while maintaining its role in the automotive sector as a second-tier supplier, the company has significantly diversified, specializing in CNC machining for the production of mechanical components used in various industrial sectors such as nautical, cycling, automation, home automation, gearmotors, and components for railway shock absorbers.A 198
BELLANDA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlessandria (AL)Sheet metal stamping - Mold construction - Assembly production - Design - Special measuring equipmentB 453
BEMAR PLAST SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Giovanni Ilarione (VR)Plastic molding for third partiesC 515
BENATI ENRICO TORNERIA METALLI SRLGO TO WEBSITECucciago (CO)CNC turning and milling - Production of turned and milled parts based on customer drawingsA 148
BERTI METAL PARTS SOLUTIONS SRLGO TO WEBSITESerravalle Sesia (VC)Precision turned small parts in brass and AVP based on customer drawingsB 403
BEST FINISHING SRLGO TO WEBSITEGessate (MI)Best Finishing has been providing metal surface treatments via vibratory finishing for over 20 years, offering technical consultancy, solutions, processes, equipment, and productsA 116
BETELLI SRLGO TO WEBSITELacchiarella (MI)Production of industrial gaskets and technical articles - various materials and processesCC 711
BFT BURZONIGO TO WEBSITEPodenzano (PC)Distributor of chip removal tools for the metalworking sectorB 405
BIAZZI GIOVANNI SRLGO TO WEBSITECornate d'Adda (MB)Precision mechanical workshop - CNC turning and milling for third parties - mechanical constructionsA 85
BIELLA ARMANDO SRLGO TO WEBSITECalolziocorte (LC)Trade of welding systems, oxy-fuel cutting, accessories, fume extractors, bottled gases, hand tools, power tools, and related technical support and repair servicesB 268
BIELLA FORNITURE SRLGO TO WEBSITECisano Bergamasco (BG)Trade of systems and equipment for the tool and welding industryA 14
BILANCERIA ROCCA DI ROCCA GIANLUCA & C. SNCGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Sale, repair, maintenance, and certification of weighing instrumentsC 537
BINETTI & FORLANI SPAVAI AL SITOVarese (VA)Trade and representation of machinery, mechanical equipment, metal small parts, and mechanical materialsA 17
BIO-CIRCLE ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMestrino (PD)Wholesale trade and packaging of chemical and technological productsA 190
BORGHETTI IMPIANTI DI BORGHETTI MAUROGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Civil and industrial electrical systems, electric industrial furnace assistance, construction of thermocouples and electric resistancesA 28
BORGHI ERMANNO SRLGO TO WEBSITEOlgiate Comasco (CO)Electrical panels and software for automationA 48
BOSCHELLO FEDELE SRLGO TO WEBSITEVigonza (PD)CNC machining from plastic semi-finished productsA 123
BRACCHI MACCHINE UTENSILI SRL GO TO WEBSITECremella (LC)Representation of machine tools - CAD/CAM systems - robotic systems - EDM machinesB 257
BRIASOFT SRLGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Development of MES softwareB 258
C.G. METAL SNCGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Blanking of stainless steel parts, assembly of blanked parts, and precision carpentry in stainless steelB 435
C.L.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITEFontanelle (TV)Manufacturing of mechanical components using machining centersB 255
C.M.S. MECCANICA TONON SRLGO TO WEBSITEGodega S. Urbano (TV)Precision mechanics for third partiesC 529
CAM SPAGO TO WEBSITETrescore Balneario (BG)Mechanical machining for the automotive sectorC 620
CAMPORA SRLGO TO WEBSITETorrazza Coste (PV)Construction, trade, overhaul, and repair of machine toolsB 303
CAPECCHI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBorgo San Lorenzo (FI)Manufacturing of mechanical parts and assemblies - measuring instrumentsB 360
CARUSO FASTENERS SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerone (CO)Wholesale trade of hardware and tooling items, metal small partsB 436
CFM LOMBARDIA SRLGO TO WEBSITERescaldina (MI)Sale and support of industrial vacuum cleaners related to mechanical processes - chip removal and evacuation - liquids and powders.C 629
CHIARI BRUNO SRLGO TO WEBSITEChiari (BS)Cutting and processing of extruded aluminum profilesC 632
CITT TRATTAMENTI TERMICI SRLGO TO WEBSITEUsmate con Velate (MB)Heat treatment of metalsA 193
CMC COSTRUZIONI MECCANICHE CEREDA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAgrate Brianza (MB)Precision milling and turning, primarily on lightweight materials such as aluminum, brass, plastics, and stainless steel. Execution of samples, preseries, and small-medium batches. Use of CNC lathes, multi-axis lathes, and 4-axis machining centers.C 558
CMG SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlserio (CO)Sheet metal bending and weldingA 140
COGO BILANCE SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiona Santo Stefano (VA)Weighing and dosing systems - scales - weighbridges - piece counters - metrological laboratory - checks and calibrationsB 455
COLOMBO GIOVANNI E FIGLI SRL GO TO WEBSITEAbbadia Lariana (LC)Production of custom-turned parts based on customer drawings for the automotive, hydraulic, pneumatic, oil and gas, household appliance, and general mechanical sectors.CC 805
COMAN S.R.L.S. A SOCIO UNICOGO TO WEBSITENovate Milanese (MI)Metal carpentry for third parties - sheet metal processing (laser cutting, bending, rolling) Welding (TIG-MIG) Small mechanical processingC 559
COMAR SRLGO TO WEBSITELozzo Atestino (PD)Production and marketing of products for EDM and non-ferrous alloy processingA 3
COMEPI SRLGO TO WEBSITERobbiate (LC)Comepi develops and produces electromechanical components for industrial automation and machinery safetyCC 712
COMETEC SRLGO TO WEBSITELimena (PD)Mixed milling and turning of mechanical components - precision machining of metal small parts for packaging equipment in the food, pharmaceutical, and many other industries. Mechanical milling - Third-party precision milling - Engine components - Contract manufacturing of mechanical components for engines.A 95
COMPATECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEMassalengo (LO)Die-casting of zinc and aluminum alloys - CNC machining of extruded aluminumA 119
COMPUTES GROUP SRLGO TO WEBSITENiviano (PC)Development and marketing of CAD/CAM/ERP software solutions, INDUSTRY 4.0, and cost estimation for design and production in the sheet metal, carpentry, and mechanical sectors.B 415
CONSORZIO SCALVE MECCATRONIKGO TO WEBSITEVilminore di Scalve (BG)Precision mechanical machining, grinding, lappingB 359
COPRA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPila (VC)Production of small metal parts, taps, valves, and general metal productsA 136
COS.ME.L SNC DI LA COGNATA T. & C.GO TO WEBSITELonate Pozzolo (VA)Heavy carpentry construction and mechanical machiningCC 703
COSEMA TRADING SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonza (MB)Design and installation of filtration systems for coolant and chip processing for machine toolsC 530
COSTAM SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Quirino (PN)Complete project management: from design to mass production, ensuring consistency and quality throughout the entire production cycle.

Extensive experience in project management as the main contractor, ensuring compliance with timelines, costs, and quality standards.

Aesthetic excellence: production of complex components with high-level aesthetic finishes, ideal for sectors requiring attention to detail.

Production flexibility: ability to fulfill medium to low-volume orders with continuity and long-term reliability.

Vertical integration: in-house design and production of equipment and molds, ensuring total control over quality and customization.
A 25
COSTRUZIONI EFFEDUE DI FRANCIOLI FABIOGO TO WEBSITESiziano (PV)Technologies for the treatment of chips and small metal partsC 630
COSVECO SRLGO TO WEBSITECapriano di Briosco (MB)Workshop for die-casting molds, die-casting foundry (zinc alloy), vibratory finishing, sandblasting, polishing, washing, painting, and electroplatingB 364
COZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEMagenta (MI)Precision mechanical turning workshopA 185
CREMONINI SRLGO TO WEBSITESuello (LC)Design, manufacturing, and installation of metal carpentry in iron, stainless steel, and aluminum - sheet metal processing with laser cutting - bending machines - punching machinesB 252
CROESUS SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Bellino (RO)Mechanical processing of aluminum and PVC plates and profiles – Cutting – Milling – Drilling – Threading – Deburring – Assembly – MarkingB 250
CS COM SRLGO TO WEBSITECorropoli (TE)Third-party die-casting of zinc alloy articlesC 513
D.G.V. SRLGO TO WEBSITEArluno (MI)High-precision sheet metal processing for all applicationsB 427
DAFA ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAnnone Brianza (LC)DAFA Italia S.r.l. specializes in the definition, development, production, and sale of robotic FIPFG (Formed In Place Foam Gasket) sealing and bonding solutions.
- Production and sale of high-quality PU and SIL 2K systems for FIPFG sealing and bonding.
- Commercialization and technical support for the SIKA Automotive GmbH product line.
- Sale of advanced 2K and 3K mixing and dosing systems.
- Technical assistance and spare parts supply for mixing and dosing systems.
- Laboratory equipped with semi-automatic and robotic systems to ensure the best implementation of its solutions, from prototype production to full-scale manufacturing.
- Commercialization and sale of die-cut, adhesive seals made from sheets and blocks.
- Development of the production process in close cooperation with customers up to the commissioning of the system.
- Operator training with programs dedicated to system management and chemical material usage.
- Production assistance, scheduled and extraordinary maintenance, and spare parts supply.

Additionally, DAFA Italia offers third-party sealing and bonding services, from single prototypes and small series to large-scale production, as well as backup equipment rental.
C 634
DAMEC SRLGO TO WEBSITENerviano (MI)Retailer and manufacturer of machine tools and consumablesA 77
DANIELI SRLGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Trade of new and used machine toolsC 540
DATAGEST SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlbissola Marina (SV)Design and construction of 100% selection systems and SPC measurement stations for small partsC 611
DAV SRLGO TO WEBSITERho (MI)Metal carpentry and sheet metal processingB 273
DELMI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Automatic turning - production of small metal parts with CNC and bar-fed lathesCC 806
DIECI SRLGO TO WEBSITECarbonera (TV)Components, filters, and rotary discharge valves, air extraction and filtration systems, air purificationB 425
DIPROL ERBA SRLGO TO WEBSITEErba (CO)Distributors of hydraulic and pneumatic items and systemsC 601
DOFET DI TENDERINI ANDREA & C. SASGO TO WEBSITEPremana (LC)CNC automatic turning - small partsB 372
DUE-EMME ABRASIVI SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Genesio ed Uniti (PV)Production, transformation, and marketing of abrasive productsC 509
EFFEA SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiono (LC)Structural profiles in aluminum and carbon for mechanical constructions - mezzanines and metal shelving for industriesA 145
EFFEGIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMeda (MB)Official distributors of Renishaw products for Western Lombardy, providing high-precision measurement solutions and production efficiency tools.B 395
ELASTOTECNICA DISTRIBUZIONE SRLGO TO WEBSITEVaredo (MB)Production and mechanical processing of technical articles in polyurethane and other elastomersA 2
ELBO SRLGO TO WEBSITECastello D'Argile (BO)Production and sale of linear measuring systems, visualizers, CNC systems, and marking systemsC 568
ELETTROLEGHE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Production and trade of special materialsC 605
ELS ENGINEERING GO TO WEBSITEBrugherio (MB)Precision turning and millingC 639
ENERGIMETAL SRLGO TO WEBSITECameri (NO)Laser cutting, milling, and turning for third partiesC 602
ENTECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEOttobiano (PV)Production and marketing of self-tapping inserts, mechanical fastenings, and engineering servicesB 349
EREDI DI CORNAGGIAGO TO WEBSITEAbbadia Lariana (LC)Precision automatic turningA 112
EUROFIX CANTU' SRLGO TO WEBSITECantù (CO)Trade of industrial packaging and fastening itemsB 266
EUROTURNING SRLGO TO WEBSITEMissaglia (LC)Manufacturing and trade of special tools and equipment - turning for in-house and third-party operationsB 328
EVLASER SRLGO TO WEBSITECasnigo (BG)High-precision laser solutionsC 624
F.I.U.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITERobecco sul Naviglio (MI)Production and marketing of chip-removal tools (taps and dies for threading)A 130
F.LLI GAIANI SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Retailer of machine tools for chip removal and sheet metal processing - EDM systems for sinking and wire cutting - band sawsB 282/443
F.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITEAvigliana (TO)Metal finishing: deburring, sandblasting, tumbling, washing, edge breaking, phosphating, passivation, pickling, degreasingA 113
FAPASALVI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVal Brembilla (BG)Induction hardening and laser welding, third-party machiningC 524
FASB LINEA 2GO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Processing of metal tubes, bending and deforming tubes, sheet metal cutting and bending, tube laser cutting, robotic welding, and powder coatingB 329
FASE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SRLGO TO WEBSITETezze sul Brenta (VI)Centrifugal drying systems for small parts, oil removal from chips, systems for automatic lines or semi-automatic machinesB 281
FELLTECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEInzago (MI)Precision mechanical turning workshopC 570
FEMA S.R.L.GO TO WEBSITEBiassono (MB)Measuring instruments - transmission couplings - hydraulic motors and reducersC 561
FERVIT FASTENERS SPAGO TO WEBSITEModena (MO)Trade of screws, bolts, and other small partsC 520
FIGLI DI NANDO TRABATTONI SRL (TRABATTONI STAMPI)GO TO WEBSITECastelmarte (CO)- Rotary and planar molds with CNC engravings for various industries
- Third-party machining of medium and large-sized parts
- Production of mold bases, metal carpentry, and machine parts
- Manufacturing of calenders for roll stamping
3D scanning / Reverse engineering / Digital prototyping
C 617
FONTANA BILANCE SRLGO TO WEBSITECesano Maderno (MB)Trade and support of scales, slicers, piece counters, dispensers, load cells, labeling machines, ISO calibration, and periodic certificationA 13
FRATELLI MAGRO SRL UNIPERSONALEGO TO WEBSITEVilla di Tirano (SO)Manufacturing and assembly of machines and mechanical groups according to customer specifications - mechanical component processing and realization based on drawingsB 331
FRATELLI ROTONDI SRLGO TO WEBSITELegnano (MI)Design, construction, and provision of services related to automatic dimensional control machines and systems - Production of coordinate measuring machines and calibration accessories for various industriesB 381
FRESMAK S.A.GO TO WEBSITEZarautz (Spagna)Design and production of clamping systems for the machine tool sectorB 388
FUSETTI TRASMISSIONI MECCANICHE SRLGO TO WEBSITERovello Porro (CO)Gear construction, worm screws, broaching, racksB 314
FUTURMECC SRLGO TO WEBSITEOlgiate Comasco (CO)Third-party precision machining: CNC milling up to 5 axes and CNC turning from bar and chuck with live toolsC 562
G. GIAMBERINI DI GIAMBERINI GIUSEPPE GO TO WEBSITEBinago (CO)Precision mechanical workshop for third-party operationsB 349
G.E.G.A. SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Profiling, blanking, and welding of wire mesh, expanded metal, and solid sheetsB 424
G.M.F. SRL DI BRIGNOLIGO TO WEBSITEVerdello (BG)Third-party mechanical machiningC 571
GALLARATI SRLGO TO WEBSITEPontida (BG)Gallarati srl was founded in 1974 as a solely mechanical engineering company, producing small parts and accessories for manufacturers of equipment designed for receiving television signals.CC 707
GALLI ALDO S.A.S. & C.GO TO WEBSITEAgrate Brianza (MB)Systems and machinery for packagingA 178
GALLO LAVORAZIONI MECCANICHE SRLGO TO WEBSITEOzegna (TO)Precision CNC machining of all material types: steel, stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, superalloys, brass, and bronzeC 646
GAP LASER SYSTEMS SRLGO TO WEBSITESolbiate Olona (VA)Manufacturer of laser sources for marking, welding, and micro-cutting applications (DPSS and Fiber Laser)B 402
GATTI E FRIGERIO SRLGO TO WEBSITEAlserio (CO)Tube and sheet metal laser cuttingA 140
GENERAL GEAR SRLGO TO WEBSITEBedizzole (BS)Mechanical design for third parties of machinery, systems, and mechanical componentsA 202
GHIONI MIRANDA INGRANAGGI SRLGO TO WEBSITENovate Milanese (MI)Gear hobbing - broaching - mechanical machining - splined shafts - worm gear pairs - turningA 122
GI.LA SRLGO TO WEBSITEZinasco (PV)Precision mechanical turningC 536
GINO OLIVARES SRLGO TO WEBSITEGessate (MI)Sintered productsC 608
GIULIANO CANOVA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPonderano (BI)Gear and pulley constructionC 522
GM FINISHING SRLGO TO WEBSITESarezzo (BS)Surface finishing processes, deburring, sandblasting, tumbling. Deburring, grinding, mechanical machining, and component assembly.B 350
GM ITALY SRLGO TO WEBSITEVestone (BS)Our processes: Die-cast parts: foundry, sandblasting, and deburring, turning, milling, and surface treatmentsB 356
GMV MACCHINE UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITEZanica (BG)Import and distribution of chip-removal machine toolsA 31
GRICES HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS SRLGO TO WEBSITEValgreghentino (LC)Design and production of standard ISO and custom hydraulic cylindersA 1
GRICOM SRL UNIPERSONALEGO TO WEBSITEAlzano Lombardo (BG)Production of beveling systems - beveling machines - cutters for beveling machinesA 46
GRIGNACOLOR DI CASTELNUOVO GIUSEPPE & C.GO TO WEBSITEBallabio (LC)Production and sale of enamels, paints, and water-based coatingsB 326
GWM SRLGO TO WEBSITEBasiano (MI)Distribution of electric motors, reducers, and invertersCC 701
HABA SERVIZIO PIASTRE SRLGO TO WEBSITEBergamo (BG)Production of steel and aluminum plates machined and ground to specificationsB 346
HAINBUCH ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITECantù (CO)Clamping equipment for machine toolsB 454
HNG SRLGO TO WEBSITECassago Brianza (LC)Trade of mechanical tools - industrial suppliesB 270
IBD SRLGO TO WEBSITERivoli (TO)IBD's mission is to identify and select technologically advanced products and systems for introduction to the Italian automation and robotics markets.A 106
IFP EUROPEGO TO WEBSITEGalliera Veneta (PD)Cleaning and finishing of metal componentsC 505
IMA SRLGO TO WEBSITEFirenze (FI)Braking systems and friction materials for industrial applicationsB 355
IMMED DI DONADONI ENRICOGO TO WEBSITEBergamo (BG)Conveyor belts - Rollers - IMMED hoppers, IMMED self-centering vices, Drilling units, Tapping tables - Rotating CAM tables - CNC tablesCC 705
INTERNATIONAL MACCHINE UTENSILI SPAGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)High-quality products supplied by technologically advanced companies in the field of machine tools and numerical controlC 613
ITALKERO SRLGO TO WEBSITEModena (MO)Mechanical subcontracting - evaporative coolingC 525
JVONNE SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelgomberto (VI)Jvonne S.r.l. manufactures and sells chip processing systems and workholding systems for machine toolsCC 706
KVM ENGINEERING SRLGO TO WEBSITEVittorio Veneto (TV)Design, manufacturing of industrial machines, sheet metal design, product industrialization, consultancyC 504
L.A. CALIBRI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBologna (BO)Manufacturing of measuring instruments and calibrationsC 569
L.P.S. LAMIERE PERFORATE SPECIALI SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonza (MB)L.P.S. specializes in perforated sheets, mesh, decorative plates, and metal accessoriesC 633
LA.M.P.A.S. SNCGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)LAMPAS specializes in molds for thermoplastic and zinc alloy components and custom toolsB 361
LANZINI SRLGO TO WEBSITEAntegnate (BG)Lanzini Srl designs and manufactures systems for metal chip processing, including centrifuges, shredders, conveyor belts, centralized drag chain and scraper systems, tilting elevators, storage silos, briquetting machines, handling systems, mixers, and metal carpentry.C 626
LARIANA COMPRESSORI SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiono (LC)Sale and support of industrial air compressors and compressed air systemsA 126
LARICA SNCGO TO WEBSITELomazzo (CO)Larica specializes in diamond tools for dressing, profiling, and shaping grinding wheelsA 6
LARIO MACCHINE UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITECivate (LC)Sale of new and used machine tools for chip removal, sheet metal, and aluminum processingB 391
LASERBERG TECH SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelli Calepio (BG)Design, production, sales, and support of laser machines for cutting, marking, and weldingC 638
LAVORAZIONI MECCANICHE PIGNAT SRLGO TO WEBSITEPorcia (PN)Precision mechanical machining - Turning, milling, and mechanical assembly - Production of quick-screw couplingsC 504
LE MACCHINE DI LUCA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMacherio (MB)Sale of machine tools: pantograph, plasma, laser, etc.C 551
LEGHE LEGGERE LAVORATE SRLGO TO WEBSITEBuccinasco (MI)Third-party production of mechanical components using turning and 5-axis machining centers in various industries, including medical and automotiveC 552
LGL SERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEGalbiate (LC)Laser cutting, mechanics, assembly, and high-precision carpentry in iron and stainless steel - Complete subcontracting managementB 441
LIMA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBolgare (BG)CNC mechanical machining - technical items and industrial gaskets - plastics, rubbers, and technopolymersB 296
LINEA TECNICA SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelfranco Emilia (MO)Coolants, lubricants, and equipmentB 438
LOGISTICA E SERVIZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEZinasco (PV)Third-party industrial assembliesC 536
LOUIS BELET SAGO TO WEBSITEVendlincourt ()Cutting tools for micromechanics, jewelry, and watchmakingA 43
LPA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMarano Vicentino (VI)Consumables for EDMB 450
LUBROSERVICE WATER TECHNOLOGY SRLGO TO WEBSITEReggio Emilia (RE)The high technological content of the equipment and the purely Made in Italy design distinguish the entire product range of Lubroservice Water Technology srl. Choosing a Lubroservice Water Technology srl system means opting for a unique product in terms of quality and performance, made with strictly certified, high-quality materials.

Integrity, innovation, quality, and efficiency are values that have always defined our corporate philosophy, which is strongly oriented towards achieving maximum customer satisfaction while maintaining a focus on flexibility and customer care.
B 333
M.C.T. SRLGO TO WEBSITECaluso (TO)Design and production of molds - thermoplastic molding - assemblyA 99
M.G. SRLGO TO WEBSITEVestone (BS)Active for over 20 years in surface treatments and decorative painting, MG is one of the most advanced companies in Italy for highly customized finishes.B 279
M.P.M. MECHANICS SRLMonza (MB)Third-party mechanical workshop specialized in the production of custom-designed mechanical parts, with thirty years of experience in hydraulics.
Optimal know-how to efficiently manage all processes within competitive timeframes, from production to assembly, thanks to CAD/CAM Fanuc programming and our innovative machinery fleet.
B 317
MACHIAVELLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEGalbiate (LC)Injection molding of thermoplastic materials - mold construction - accessory machiningB 321
MAG-AUTOBLOK TECNOMAGNETE SPAGO TO WEBSITELainate (MI)Production of magnetic equipment for clamping or handlingB 390
MAKEVO SRLGO TO WEBSITECastione di Loria (TV)Laser cutting of sheet metal, bending, rolling, welding, assembly, and surface treatmentsA 63
MANCIN SRLGO TO WEBSITECossato (BI)Precision mechanical machining for third parties including milling, turning, and CNC grindingA 86
MANENTI SPAGO TO WEBSITECastegnato (BS)Trade, cutting, and processing of aluminum and metalsB 423
MAST MECCANICA SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)MAST Meccanica specializes in the construction and assembly of mechanical equipment, prototype parts, and pre-series production. It features a metrology room with high-precision instruments.B 433
MAURI GIOVANNI SRLGO TO WEBSITERogeno (LC)Third-party plastic moldingB 259
MAXLUBE SRLGO TO WEBSITETradate (VA)Trade and production of industrial fluids and complementary accessoriesA 159
ME. BU. SRLGO TO WEBSITECadrezzate con Osmate (VA)Cold sheet metal working - Blanking, optical fiber laser cutting - Bending - TIG and MIG weldingC 532
MECCANICA BESNATESE SRL GO TO WEBSITEBesnate (VA)Mechanical machining - design and production of linear tables, rotary systems, and automation systemsB 386
MECCANICA HI TECH SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Vito al Tagliamento (PN)Mechanical machining - supply of machines based on customer drawingsB 413
MECCANICA VIMERCATI SRLGO TO WEBSITECernusco sul Naviglio (MI)Construction and assembly of high-precision mechanical components - CNC turning, milling, and grindingA 129
MECMATICA SRLGO TO WEBSITESpirano (BG)Monitoring production systems - Industry 4.0 - Industrial informatics - MES softwareB 378
MEDIATEC SRLGO TO WEBSITEMontebelluna (TV)Suppliers of parts for the industry - Production of CNC-machined plastic parts, technical rubber items, industrial gaskets in rubber and PU, and rubber hoses for liquids and suctionB 342
MEM SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelseprio (VA)Lavorazioni meccaniche di precisione di tornitura e fresatura CNCA 118
MENTI METAL MECCANICA SNCGO TO WEBSITESarego (VI)Menti Metal Meccanica is a company based in Sarego (VI) specializing in wire processing. Our operations include: cutting to size (coil Ø1.50÷12.00 mm – bar up to Ø25.00 mm), bending (coil Ø3.00÷14.00 mm – bar Ø1.50÷22.00 mm), spot welding of grids and baskets, tie rods, chip removal and rolling (M4-M24), turning and milling up to Ø20.00 mm, and various stamping operations (100 tons). We can also work with other profiles such as squares, hexagons, flats, and ribbed wire. Additionally, we regularly provide our products with surface treatments such as galvanizing, chroming, burnishing, cataphoresis, and more.A 90
META SPAGO TO WEBSITES. Felice s/P. (MO)High-precision mechanical machiningA 115
METAL BARRE SRLGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Wholesale trade of semi-finished products in ferrous and non-ferrous metalsA 173
METECH SRLGO TO WEBSITERovereto (TN)Import and sale of equipment for machine toolsA 203
MGTECK SRL GO TO WEBSITEOsnago (LC)Milling and turning for third partiesA 4
MICRA SRLGO TO WEBSITERomans D'Isonzo (GO)Precision mechanical machiningB 413
MICROMECCANICA DI PRECISIONE SRLGO TO WEBSITECassago Brianza (LC)Third-party mechanical machining of turning and milling with CNC machines (3-axis lathes, 4-axis machining centers) - Design and construction of standard and custom pneumatic cylindersA 187
MILLUTENSILGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Manufacturers of presses, mold openers, mold tilters, sheet metal feeding lines, and cutting lines - trade of mold components and normalized materialsB 399
MINUTEK RONCORONI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBusto Garolfo (MI)Production of precision small metal partsC 523
MINUTER SRLGO TO WEBSITELograto (BS)Production of precision turned small parts based on customer drawings using CNC sliding head lathesC 511
MINUTERIE GROPPINI SNCGO TO WEBSITEPontirolo Nuovo (BG)Precision small metal parts for third parties based on drawingsA 165
MIT.D. SRLGO TO WEBSITEBernezzo (CN)Manufacturers of probes, heating electric resistances, and trade of electric products for process control and industrial automationC 526
MMV MINUTERIA MECCANICA VALSESIANA SRLGO TO WEBSITEScopa (VC)Production of bar-turned precision small metal parts based on drawingsA 135
MODULMEC INGRANAGGI SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Quirino (PN)Company specializing in the construction of mechanical components for motion transmissionA 155
MOLLE INDUSTRIALI CONTE SRLGO TO WEBSITESettimo Torinese (TO)Design, development, and production of industrial springsB 339
MOLLIFICIO LUIGI CODEGA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMalgrate (LC)Industrial production of custom springsB 324
MOLLIFICIO RENZO SCOTTI SRLGO TO WEBSITELissone (MB)Our company, with over 40 years of experience, specializes in the production of wire and strip springs for diverse applications. We use advanced machinery and top-quality materials like Inconel, Nimonic, and Monel.A 167
MONGUZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEBiassono (MB)Monguzzi Srl is a modern and dynamic company that has been specializing in the distribution of industrial transmissions for over twenty years. To ensure absolute quality and reliability for our clients, we exclusively partner with the best brands in the market. Our company is an official distributor of HIWIN, BEA INGRANAGGI, and REGINA CHAIN. To meet even the most specific and demanding requests, in addition to standard products, we also provide non-standard products, custom-built and/or machined to design and treated. This service is offered and guaranteed in rapid times, much faster than the original manufacturer.

Starting in 2024, Monguzzi has also become a manufacturer of linear axes. With our R3GO production line, featuring different and customizable models, we design and produce tailor-made multi-axis systems for various sectors and industrial applications.

As both distributors and manufacturers, we do not merely provide simple products. We offer a comprehensive and accurate service that allows us to be a unified point of reference for our customers. We rely on a commercial and technical team with extensive experience in the sector and in customer support. We dedicate care and attention to our clients, assisting them from the initial contact to the final delivery of the product.
B 375
MONTEMURRO UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITEPrata Camportaccio (SO)Sharpening and production of special tools for general and bio-mechanicsA 158
MORUECO SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Construction of machine toolsC 650
MTM MAURI SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonticello Brianza (LC)Mechanical turning for the production of small parts, hydraulic fittings, and various componentsA 111
N.T.S. TECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEVizzolo Predabissi (MI)N.T.S. TECH offers comprehensive services in the design, construction, and maintenance of injection, die-casting, and blanking molds.A 195
NB MECCANICA SRL - NETWORK OPEREPRIMEGO TO WEBSITEMontelabbate (PU)Turning, milling, and third-party CNC mechanical machiningA 179
NEVI SRLGO TO WEBSITEChiuduno (BG)Third-party construction and welding of titanium partsC 512
NUOVA CAGIFER SRL - NETWORK OPEREPRIMEGO TO WEBSITEAscoli Piceno (AP)Established in 1979 and based in Ascoli Piceno, Nuova Cagifer srl is active nationwide and indirectly internationally in the field of industrial systems for sectors such as Personal Care, Food, Beverage, Packaging, High-Precision Machine Tools, Energy, and Research.
The company's core business is the construction of components, subassemblies, and highly customized prototype systems for industrial plants or machines, managing both unique pieces and medium volumes. The materials processed include both ferrous and non-ferrous materials, such as welded structures, solid components (plates, bars, etc.), castings, forgings, and more.
Nuova Cagifer currently operates a certified system (UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standards), ensuring its customers' quality and export certification requirements are met.
A key feature of the company is its ability to simultaneously produce highly diverse components using Just-in-Time production strategies. It acts as the main contractor for its clients in terms of special machining, thermal and surface treatments, and subassembly assembly.
Over the years, the company's strategy has been to significantly diversify its production, offering solutions across multiple sectors while aiming to be a Partner rather than just a subcontractor. Leveraging its expertise, this approach has resulted in over 20 years of loyalty from its major clients.
A 179
NWT METALUX SRLGO TO WEBSITEManerbio (BS)Surface treatments of metals, polishing, galvanic satin finishing, and painting on zinc alloys, aluminum, stainless steel, brass, and ironB 260
O.M.B. SNC DI BONGIOVANNI & C.GO TO WEBSITEMandello del Lario (LC)Precision third-party mechanical machining and assembly of groupsB 254
O.M.C.R. SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Maurizio Canavese (TO)OMCR Industrial Solutions specializes in chip compaction, reducing waste volume up to 8 times and optimizing space and handling.A 192
O.M.V. OFFICINE MECCANICHE VIGLIANESIGO TO WEBSITEQuarenga Cerreto (BI)For 50 years, we have been providing a complete turnkey service in the field of third-party precision mechanical machining and industrial automation, with expertise ranging from study and design to prototyping and production of components, assemblies, and complete machines.CC 807
O.S.P. SRLGO TO WEBSITETrissino (VI)Third-party operations - CNC turning - CNC milling - mechanical machining based on drawingsB 337
OFF. MECC. DELL'ORO CARLO SNCGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Sales, installation, and maintenance of compressors and accessories for compressed air systemsC 553
OFFICINA FRATELLI CORTIANA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBrugherio (MB)Manufacturing of construction elements in metalA 132
OFFICINA MECCANICA BIEFFE SRLGO TO WEBSITEAnnone Brianza (LC)Officina Meccanica BIEFFE has been providing third-party mechanical machining services since 2003, utilizing cutting-edge equipment and 3D simulation software.B 290
OFFICINA MECCANICA BRUGGER SRLGO TO WEBSITEComo (CO)Third-party chip removal machining for precision partsC 606
OFFICINA MECCANICA CARLASSARA SRLGO TO WEBSITEInarzo (VA)High-precision mechanical machining: turning, milling, cutting, and grinding - Extrusion lines for flexible tubes, profiles, and sheetsB 344
OFFICINA MECCANICA CARLO CERINI SRLGO TO WEBSITERescaldina (MI)Production of mechanical presses ranging from 35 to 600 tonsB 271
OFFICINA MECCANICA LOMBARDA SRLGO TO WEBSITETrivolzio (PV)Production and marketing of clamping equipment for machine toolsB 370
OFFICINE CELSI SNCGO TO WEBSITECortenova (LC)Sheet metal processing: laser cutting, punching, bending, and weldingC 533
OFFICINE E. BIGLIA & C. S.P.A.GO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Production and sale of CNC lathesB 311
OFFICINE ELETTROMECCANICHE CHIOVENDA S.N.C.GO TO WEBSITELainate (MI)Third-party mechanical and electromechanical machiningA 50
OFFICINE G.S.P. SRLGO TO WEBSITEFiume Veneto (PN)Third-party sheet metal and tubular processingA 162
OFFICINE PIKI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValvarrone (LC)Officine Piki specializes in stainless steel processing, manufacturing tanks and piping systems, and advanced metal 3D printing for various industries.B 371
OFFICINE SCALELLA SOC. COOP.GO TO WEBSITESanta Venerina (CT)Turning, milling, and mechanical assembliesC 564
OFFICINE TERMOTECNICHE FRACCARO SRLGO TO WEBSITECastelfrando Veneto (TV)European leader in radiant heating and cooling systems for industrial and residential environmentsA 74
OMA EREDI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVillasanta (MB)High-precision mechanical machining - CNC turning, millingB 276
OMAS ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPaderno Dugnano (MI)Mechanical tooling, mold construction, and third-party moldingA 61
OMB DI BENDOTTI NANDO & C SRLGO TO WEBSITEPieve Vergonte (VB)Small and medium-sized turning and milling mechanical machiningB 380
OMBAR SRLGO TO WEBSITENova Milanese (MB)Third-party machining, tooling, and precision mechanical components for the automotive, robotics, and energy sectorsA 176
OMEBA SRLGO TO WEBSITEPremana (LC)Precision mechanical workshop specializing in aluminum processingA 121
OMEC SRLGO TO WEBSITEColzate (BG)Mechanical machining with chip removalA 124
OMT BONETTO SRLGO TO WEBSITEArsego di S. Giorgio delle pertiche (PD)Precision mechanics and small metal partsA 81
OMTR SRLGO TO WEBSITECermenate (CO)Third-party production of precision mechanical componentsA 67
P.L.UTENSILI SRLGO TO WEBSITECosta Masnaga (LC)Sharpening and manufacturing of special toolsB 387
PACKING CENTER SRLGO TO WEBSITEPogno (NO)Distribution and processing of packaging materialsC 518
PANOZZO SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerate (LC)Caps and plastic screwsB 327
PANZA OSSITAGLIO SPAGO TO WEBSITEPontida (BG)Sheet metal service centerA 35
PANZERI ALESSANDRO SRLGO TO WEBSITEOggiono (LC)General mechanical processing - finished products - pneumatic headsB 300
PAPINI STAMPI SRLGO TO WEBSITECalolziocorte (LC)Design and construction of molds and equipment for producing small metal partsB 320
PARMALAPPING SRLGO TO WEBSITERubbiano di Solignano (PR)Grinding and lapping - plasmaspray coatings HVOF CHROME TEFLON - ceramics and solid carbidesA 117
PASELLO TRATTAMENTI TERMICI SRLGO TO WEBSITECalderara di Reno (BO)Heat treatment of metals: hardening, cementation, nitriding, and various specialized processesCC 702
PIDIKEI SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)Co-design, mold construction (pilot and series), and molding of plastics/rubber/seals – molding in a clean room – specialization in overmolding filters and metal partsCC 704
PIEFFE SRLGO TO WEBSITEFossano (CN)Production of technical articles in polyurethane, rubber, and plastics - Coating of rollers, wheels, cylinders, and drums in various materialsC 534
PLASTISERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEGravellona Toce (VB)Plastic molding and assemblyA 156
POLY-TECH SRLSGO TO WEBSITEComun Nuovo (BG)Distribution of components and systems for industrial pneumatic automationA 201
PRECISION ROBOTICA SRLGO TO WEBSITELaveno Mombello (VA)Robotic automationA 68
PRESSVIT SRLGO TO WEBSITEZibido San Giacomo (MI)Production of unified and custom screwsA 114
PRIMAFLUID SRLGO TO WEBSITEPeschiera Borromeo (MI)Sales of components and systems for pneumatic and hydraulic automationA 181
PRO.VE.R. SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerate (LC)Design and construction of thermoplastic and LSR molds - advanced plastic moldingA 103
PROVERA SRL COSTRUZIONI METALMECCANICHEGO TO WEBSITETerruggia (AL)Medium-light carpentry, mechanical machining, and paintingB 452
PUNTO INOX SERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMerone (CO)Wholesale trade of stainless steel materials, tubes, sheets, bars, fittings, and accessoriesA 104
R4 AUTOMAZIONI SRLGO TO WEBSITECisano Bergamasco (BG)Design and construction of special machines for assembly - third-party machiningA 23
R.F. CELADA SPAGO TO WEBSITECologno Monzese (MI)Distributor of machine toolsA 17
RAL SRLGO TO WEBSITECastello di Brianza (LC)Sharpening and manufacturing of toolsB 292
RCM ROSSIGNOLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValbrembo (BG)Design and construction of assembly lines and machinesB 377
RE-COL SRLGO TO WEBSITECarate Brianza (MB)Third-party grindingA 60
RETE UFFICIO ESTEROGO TO WEBSITELecco (LC)Support service for companies in commercial development and customer acquisition in foreign marketsB 323
RGPBALLS SRLGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Production and marketing of precision balls, rollers, needle rollers, and bearing ballsA 52
RI-LAVO SRLGO TO WEBSITEMonza (MB)Production of ultrasonic systemsCC 801
RI.MA.T SRLGO TO WEBSITEPalermo (PA)Precision mechanics: turning, milling, broaching, and third-party machiningB 373
RIMEC SRLGO TO WEBSITECosta Masnaga (LC)Precision mechanical workshop - third-party machining and production of custom metal partsB 251
RIVA&BRUTTI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Repair and sale of electric motors, electric pumps, power tools, fans, and gearboxesA 26
ROBUSTELLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEVilla Guardia (CO)Rubber molding and technical articlesA 79
ROS SRLGO TO WEBSITEAzzano Decimo (PD)Third-party sheet metal processing, including laser cutting, bending, welding, assembly, and powder coating for various industriesC 644
RP METALFASTENERS DIVISION MACHINE SRLGO TO WEBSITEPaderno Dugnano (MI)Wholesale trade in the national and international market of fasteners and fastening systems, design and production of machines for sheet metal cutting and deformation.A 93
RS ACCIAI SRLGO TO WEBSITEScandicci (FI)Resale and trade of special steels for moldsA 88
RS CASTING SRLGO TO WEBSITEBoara Piasani (PD)Aluminum alloy castings using sand and gravity techniques. We produce any casting requested by the customer.C 514
RU.CO.S SRLGO TO WEBSITEVignate (MI)Mechanical processing of wheels and parts in rubber, polyurethane, and VulkollanA 66
S.I.A.T. SRLGO TO WEBSITEVilla Cortese (MI)For over thirty years, SIAT has been a significant player in precision mechanics, tooling, production of small metal parts, and metal blanking and bending.A 41
S.M.P. SRLGO TO WEBSITEMagnago (MI)Metal carpentry and mechanical processing, design, and fabrication of medium and large metal structures and componentsB 397
S.T.T. SRLGO TO WEBSITEStrambino (TO)Heat treatments on steelA 45
SAETEC S.A.S. DI LUIGI SALOMONI & C.GO TO WEBSITEVerderio (LC)Light metal carpentry - sheet metal processing - manufacturing of sheet metal productsB 322
SAFE FLOOR SRL GO TO WEBSITEPradalunga (BG)Flooring and wall coating, sale and installation of protective anti-impact barriers and safety solutionsA 29
SALP SRLGO TO WEBSITEBarzanò (LC)Panels for exhibition setups, acoustic panels, packaging crates, raised flooringCC 811
SANTONI DI SANTONI ALESSANDRO & C. SASGO TO WEBSITEFermo (FM)Design and manufacturing of die-casting and thermoplastic molds - die-casting of zinc alloy and plastic injection molding - turning, post-processing, and tumblingA 151
SCAMER SRLGO TO WEBSITENibbiola (NO)Third-party mechanical processing of metal tubes - bending, welding, and assembly of tubes for fluids, gas systems, etc.C 641
SCELSI COMPONENTI SRLGO TO WEBSITECernusco sul Naviglio (MI)Mechanical workshopC 516
SEMAR SRL - OPERE PRIMEGO TO WEBSITEPesaro (PU)Our company, founded in 1975, manufactures mechanical components and assemblies according to customer specifications, operating with meticulous adherence to the required technical standards. We also perform precision mechanical machining, specializing in turning and grinding operations.A 179
SHAREBOT SRLGO TO WEBSITENibionno (LC)Sharebot specializes in developing high-precision, reliable, and user-friendly 3D printers for professional and educational markets.C 565
SI.MA SRLGO TO WEBSITEBovisio Masciago (MB)Production and sale of marking systems using laser and microdot technologyA 38
SIDERTOCE SPAGO TO WEBSITEGravellona Toce (VB)Marketing of special steels (raw and semi-finished)A 137
SIGMA INTERNATIONAL SRLGO TO WEBSITEPedrengo (BG)Sale of welding and cutting products and systemsC 500
SILGA SPAGO TO WEBSITECastelfidardo (AN)Galvanic surface treatments, anodizing, technical and decorative treatments, and protective systemsA 143
SIME SRLGO TO WEBSITEMandello del Lario (LC)Precision mechanical milling with CNC for third parties, specializing in aluminum processingA 108
SINTA SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Distribution of components for industrial automation: electric axes, Cartesian systems, SCARA, anthropomorphic and collaborative robots, and related componentsC 609
SINTECH SRLGO TO WEBSITEVillanova Monferrato (AL)Third-party mechanical operations such as milling, boring, and CNC grindingA 149
SMART SUPPLY SRLGO TO WEBSITECesano Maderno (MB)Third-party mechanical machiningB 362
SOLDANO STAMPI SRLGO TO WEBSITETorino (TO)Design and production of thermoplastic molds, precision mechanical machining using CNC machining centers, custom spare partsA 134
SOLIDCAM ITALIAGO TO WEBSITEBentivoglio (BO)Resale of CAM softwareC 636
SOLIDMANUFACTURINGGO TO WEBSITEBentivoglio (BO)Resale of 3D printersC 635
STA-FOR DI GASPARDO LUIGINO & C.GO TO WEBSITEManiago (PN)Company operating since 1975 in the precision mechanics sector, specializing in turning, milling, laser cutting, wire EDM, and blanking.CC 709
STAMPERIA CARLO GUERRIERI & FIGLI SRLGO TO WEBSITEErba (CO)Hot forging of steel, stainless steel, and alloysB 335
STAR LAB SRLGO TO WEBSITEAnnone Brianza (LC)Precision mechanical machiningB 295
STF SRLGO TO WEBSITEBarzago (LC)Third-party mechanical workshop specializing in turning and milling from 0 to 6 metersB 325
SVIMGO TO WEBSITEKarlovacNon-ferrous metal foundryB 421
SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY SRLGO TO WEBSITEMazzano (BS)Exclusive distributor for Italy of CAD/CAM software Go2CamA 39
T.A. SRLGO TO WEBSITEArcisate (VA)Precision CNC machining - bar turningA 107
T.E.R. TECNO ELETTRICA RAVASI SRL GO TO WEBSITECalco (LC)Production of electromechanical components for lifting, automation, and industrial handling machines: rotary and position limit switches, pendant and wall pushbuttons, joysticksA 20
T.P.F. SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Mauro Torinese (TO)Modular structures based on drawings made with aluminum profiles. Precision mechanical machiningB 419
TAJMAC-MTM SPAGO TO WEBSITECinisello Balsamo (MI)Trade of machine tools and accessoriesC 622
TASSINARI GROUP SRLGO TO WEBSITEFerrara (FE)Mold base manufacturing for plastic, die-casting, and blanking industriesB 449
TECNICA GASKET SPAGO TO WEBSITEParatico (BS)Design and production of technical seals in elastomers, liquid silicone, and thermoplasticsA 209
TECNO E.D.M. SRLGO TO WEBSITESan Maurizio Canavese (TO)Design, engineering, and production of graphite and copper electrodes for EDM machinesB 265
TECNO-SALDATURE SRLGO TO WEBSITECorreggio (RE)Third-party robotic weldingB 351
TECNOSAR SRLGO TO WEBSITEBedizzole (BS)Applications for resin flooring and coatingsA 204
TECNOSTAMPOFUSIONE SRLGO TO WEBSITENovi Ligure (AL)Aluminum, bronze, brass, and zinc casting using shell and die-casting methodsC 517
TECNOSTYLE SRLGO TO WEBSITEValdobbiadene (TV)Production of precision metal small partsCC 804
TEKMO SRLGO TO WEBSITETravagliato (BS)Production and machining of turned small metal partsC 508
TEKNO SERVICE SRLGO TO WEBSITEMilano (MI)Sale of CAD/CAM systems - Industry 4.0 data transmission and collection productsA 170
TEOMA SRLGO TO WEBSITEAssago (MI)Exclusive distributor for Italy of Tsudakoma Corp. CNC rotary tablesB 369
TES SRLGO TO WEBSITECologno Monzese (MI)Third-party mechanical machining, including milling and turningA 83
TIME SRLGO TO WEBSITECapannori (LU)Production of ERP softwareC 637
TITALIA SPAGO TO WEBSITEBrugherio (MB)Forging and treatments on titanium, zirconium, and copper. Mechanical machining through chip removal and waterjet cutting.CC 803
TOOLS DISTRIBUTION SRLGO TO WEBSITEBesana in Brianza (MB)Wholesale distribution of technical tooling for producing small metal partsB 278
TOPSOLID ITALIA SRLGO TO WEBSITEModena (MO)For over 35 years, TOPSOLID SAS has marketed its CAD/CAM and ERP solutions in France and worldwideB 400
TORMES SRLGO TO WEBSITE20024 (MI)Precision mechanics for third parties in medium and large seriesA 184
TORNERIA P.M.S. SRLGO TO WEBSITEMontecchio Maggiore (VI)Precision mechanical turning workshop producing customer-designed parts in steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and other alloysC 528
TORNERIA REDA SRLGO TO WEBSITECarate Brianza (MB)Precision automatic turning, third-party production of turned parts from bar stock in steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum, and plasticsA 44
TORNOMATIC PONTIROLO SRLGO TO WEBSITEPontirolo Nuovo (BG)Turning - gear hobbing and worm screws - rolling - planetary reducersA 5
TQS ITALY SRLGO TO WEBSITEBoffalora Sopra Ticino (MI)Third-party processing of batches, identifying and discarding non-compliant elements, and separating foreign objects with synchronized vibrating bowlsA 40
UMAC SPAGO TO WEBSITECastano Primo (MI)Mechanical toolingB 416
UNI-MECC SRLGO TO WEBSITECafasse (TO)Specialized in cutting and finishing steel, aluminum, and iron tubes for bushings, eyelets, spacers, and various applicationsA 212
UNILOCK SRLGO TO WEBSITETrezzano S/Naviglio (MI)Design and production of clamping systems for CNC lathesB 332
UNION SPAGO TO WEBSITESala Bolognese (BO)Manufacturers of metal cleaning systemsA 172
UTIMAC TORINO SPAGO TO WEBSITERobassomero (TO)Production and sale of automatic single and multi-spindle CNC lathesA 9
VAL-FER SRLCesana Brianza (LC)MetalworkingA 47
VAL.MA.TECH. SRLGO TO WEBSITEPonte Nossa (BG)Reseller and integrator of collaborative robotics under the "DOBOT" brand for central and northern ItalyB 384
VALSECCHI & DEVIZZI SRLGO TO WEBSITEValgreghentino (LC)Mechanical turning workshop producing high-precision custom parts for hydraulics, automotive, and fittings sectorsB 353
VETRARIA MALBERTI SRLGO TO WEBSITEDesio (MB)Glass for mechanical and industrial equipmentA 27
VIBA COLORI SRLGO TO WEBSITECisano Bergamasco (BG)Viba Colors has over 40 years of experience in producing and selling paints, offering innovation, expertise, and application support.C 628
VINCIT SRLGO TO WEBSITEValmadrera (LC)Industrial distributor specialized in complete compressed air systems, pneumatic automation components, and process water cooling, with technical support and assistance.B 262/309
WIKIPLAST SRLGO TO WEBSITEBusto Arsizio (VA)Third-party mechanical machining of plastics and sale of semi-finished plastic productsC 615
YANG SRLGO TO WEBSITECastano Primo (MI)Processing brass parts on transfer machines and 5-axis CNC centers with dimensional controls and anthropomorphic armsB 338
ZA-BER SRLGO TO WEBSITELonate Pozzolo (VA)Mechanical machining based on customer designs and specificationsCC 708
ZEMINIAN SASGO TO WEBSITELainate (MI)Design, production, sales, and repair of standardized and custom pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders for industrial automationB 456
ZETA STAMPI SRLGO TO WEBSITEViganò (LC)Plastic molding/mold constructionB 288
ZETAEFFE SNCGO TO WEBSITECambiago (MI)Production of turned sealsC 550


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